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Dance Opportunities in "Kinky Boots" Show

Alexandria, VA, United States
ID: 281491Exp: 5/17/2025

Looking to cast males and females for "Kinky Boots" The Musical. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Please familiarize yourself with the roles and accompanying age/vocal ranges below. Please also familiarize yourself with the general feel and tone of the music for this production. VOCAL: Please prepare 16-32 bars of an upbeat song from a contemporary musical that best shows off your talents and vocal range. We will be looking for strong vocals, but we will also be looking for your passion. Show us your confidence and make us believe you! An accompanist will be provided (bring sheet music). DANCE: Due to the dance-heavy nature of this show, all auditionees will be asked to take part in a short dance sequence. Please dress in clothing in which you can move comfortably. Please bring heels if you own them (no taller than 3” and no stiletto/skinny heels). It is optional, but strongly encouraged, that all auditionees perform the dance combo in heels as all cast members will perform a number in heels at least once during the show. All actors auditioning for the role of Lola/Simon and/or an Angel will be required to perform a dance combo in heels, either at general auditions or invited callbacks. It is most important to us that you are able to perform your audition safely! If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to speak with directors. If interested, please apply.

15 roles

Charlie PriceBoth genders26-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, tenor (with a rock belt) A privileged but likable leading man whose father owns a shoe factory. A bit confused and unfocused, but a hero hiding beneath the surface. Must have a great rock voice, the ability to move, and be a strong actor.

Lola/SimonMale30-39 y.o.African-American Latino / Hispanic Other Asian Middle Eastern Native American Pacific Islander Indian/South Asian

Male presenting. teno. An emotionally and physically challenging role that requires the attitude of a boxer with the soul of a diva. Must have star presence and feel comfortable in drag and heels.

NicolaBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female presenting, mezzo-soprano with a great pop voice. Charlie’s long-term girlfriend. Sophisticated and glamorous, she knows what she wants in life and goes for it. Uncompromising, driven, and a social climber.

LaurenBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female presenting, mezzo-soprano with a pop belt. A beautiful but quirky (not glamorous like Nicola) working class woman that works in the shoe factory. Funny and smart but has bad luck with men. Strong comedic actress.

DonBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, baritone with the ability to sing up to a D5 in the finale. Lola’s nemesis. He is burly, hyper-masculine, and has a large, menacing physicality. Least likely to be seen on a fashion runway.

PatBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female presenting, mezzo. Officious office manager who will let loose her wild side when allowed.

TrishBoth genders30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Female presenting, altos. Factory worker with a husband and kids to worry over.

GeorgeBoth genders40-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, baritone. Reserved factory manager that is tightly wound and keeps up with traditions.

The AngelsBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, varying vocal ranges. Drag queens with star quality and personality that perform at the nightclub with Lola. Looking for strong dancers with great vocals. Must be comfortable with walking and dancing in heels. Should be able to demonstrate charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent!

Mr. Price/EnsembleBoth genders40-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, any vocal range. Charlie’s father and owner of the shoe factory. Appears in the opening and closing scenes with one or two additional scenes in between. Will play multiple roles in the ensemble for the rest of the show.

Simon Sr./EnsembleMale40-56 y.o.African-American Latino / Hispanic Other Asian Middle Eastern Native American Pacific Islander Indian/South Asian

Male presenting, any vocal range. Lola's father. An unforgiving tower of anger. Appears in the opening and closing scenes with one or two additional scenes in between. Will play multiple roles in the ensemble for the rest of the show.

Harry/EnsembleBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, tenor. A friend of Charlie’s, but he is the opposite in personality. Harry is carefree, confident, and successful. Must have a great rock voice. Will also play multiple roles in the ensemble. The ability to play the guitar is preferred but is not a necessity.

Richard Bailey/EnsembleBoth genders30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Male presenting, baritone. Nicola's boss. An overtly attractive and successful man.

Pub PatronsBoth genders20-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Ensemble: All genders/races/ethnicities, varying vocal parts. Must be excellent pop/rock singers. Should be able to move well and feel comfortable dancing in boots and/or heels.

Factory WorkersBoth genders20-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Ensemble: All genders/races/ethnicities, varying vocal parts. Must be excellent pop/rock singers. Should be able to move well and feel comfortable dancing in boots and/or heels.