"Cinderella" Musical Casting Performers
Seeking cast for spring musical "Cinderella". ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the details below. Additional info: Please note: there is a tuition due by the third rehearsal, there is no fee to audition. The audition packet is attached. The audition will include an acting/vocal audition. All auditionees are required to sing for the audition. Acting/Vocal: Be prepared to participate in a dry/cold read. Casting team members will be watching delivery of lines, actions, and improv ability. Auditionees will need one (1) audition cut of a song (Not exceeding one minute and thirty seconds) that is chosen by the auditionee. It is recommended the song relates to the character actors are seeking to portray. Additional songs may be required depending upon which character auditonees seek to play. Rehearsals are every Tuesday and Thursday from 5-7 PM beginning April 1st with a mandatory dress rehearsal on May 30th, time TBA. Performances will be on May 31st. If you are interested, please apply.
26 roles
Vocal range - Soprano/Mezzo.
Vocal Range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal Range - Alto.
Vocal Range - Soprano.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal Range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal range - any.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Tenor/Bass.
Vocal range - Tenor/bass.
Vocal range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal range - Soprano/Alto.
Vocal range - Any.
Vocal range - Any.
Vocal range - any.
Vocal range - any.
Vocal range - Any.
Vocal range - any.
Vocal range - Any.
Vocal range - any.