Equity Actors for 2025-26 Season and Festival of Musicals
Equity actors for roles in Playhouse 2025-26 Season/Florida Festival of New Musicals. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See breakdown below. Rate: OAT $600 weekly minimum (cat. 4) Additional info: PREPARATION Please prepare a brief cut of an up-tempo and a ballad and a one-minute comic monologue. Please bring a headshot and resume. JERRY'S GIRLS / Rehs. begin 7/21/25 / Runs 8/7 - 31/25 FOREVER PLAID / Rehs. begin 9/8/25 / Runs 9/25 - 10/19/25 HONKY TONK ANGELS HOLIDAY HOEDOWN / Rehs. begin 10/27/25 / Runs 11/13 - 23/25 & 12/4/- 20/25 FROM MY HOMETOWN / Rehs. begin 1/5/26 / Runs 1/22 - 2/21/26 THE PIN-UP GIRLS / Rehs. begin 3/2/26 / Runs 3/19 - 29/26 & 4/9 - 25/26 FLORIDA FESTIVAL OF NEW MUSICALS / Rehs. begin 6/10/25 / Runs 6/19 - 22/25 An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions. If you are interested, please apply.
19 roles
Song examples- “Put On Your Sunday Clothes” (Hello, Dolly!), “Mame” (Mame), “Time Heals Everything” (Mack and Mabel). Vocal Range: Alto with solid mezzo belt, E3 to D5. "JERRY’S GIRLS"
Song examples- “Wherever He Ain’t” (Mack and Mabel), “Before the Parade Passes By” (Hello, Dolly!), “I Don’t Want to Know” (Dear World). Vocal Range: Alto with solid mezzo belt, E3 to D5. "JERRY’S GIRLS"
Song examples- “I Won’t Send Roses” (Mack and Mabel), “If He Walked Into My Life” (Mame), “I Am What I Am” (La Cage aux Folles). Vocal Range: Alto with solid mezzo belt, E3 to D5. "JERRY’S GIRLS"
3 to 4 women, consisting of both altos and sopranos. "JERRY’S GIRLS"
The leader and caretaker of the group. Confident. Asthmatic. He has a great deal of compassion for the music and the group. Romantic crooner and spiritual singer. Vocal Range: B5 to F3 "FOREVER PLAID"
The clown of the group, who is shown to have a heart. Very sharp and loves singing his tailor-made solos. Wears a retainer and has a slight speech impediment. Energetic and clever. Vocal Range: G5 to F3 "FOREVER PLAID"
The shy one. He lives his life terrified and doesn't always remember what song comes next. Sparky's step-brother, he occasionally gets a nosebleed when he sings above an A. Vocal Range: C6 to F3. "FOREVER PLAID"
The worrier. He worries about the props, the running order, and always assumes the audience won't like him. Has chronic nervous stomach and is oddly reluctant to perform. Wears glasses, which hides his good looks and sex appeal. Vocal Range: G5 to F3. "FOREVER PLAID"
A citified country girl. She is sexy, confident, and currently running her own nail salon and “beauty business” in Los Angeles. "HONKY TONK ANGELS HOLIDAY HOEDOWN"
A larger than life African American woman originally from Detroit. She works with Sue Ellen in her nail salon. She is fun and very earthy, with a big gospel voice. She is also somewhat psychic. She is the widow of “Tubby Chess,” a legendary soul singer. "HONKY TONK ANGELS HOLIDAY HOEDOWN"
A young country singer, she is currently trying to “make it” in Nashville. She is pretty and naïve—a LeAnn Rimes type. She is originally from the hills of Appalachia, but grew up in the Mississippi Delta. "HONKY TONK ANGELS HOLIDAY HOEDOWN"
A Texas housewife. She is full of fun and identifies with Roseanne. She is very pregnant with twins—due any time now. "HONKY TONK ANGELS HOLIDAY HOEDOWN"
A nerdy singer-songwriter of color from Philadelphia, who pretends his crush on Patti Labelle sustains him, but actually his hometown sweetheart has broken his heart. He has a smooth soulful baritone and can riff if needed. Vocal Range top: B4 "FROM MY HOMETOWN"
A street-tough tenor Chicago, by Way of Detroit tenor of color who appears the most confident but he too has been tragically heartbroken and must fall the greatest to be redeemed. Vocal Range top: C4 "FROM MY HOMETOWN"
A Country African American Bass-Baritone from Memphis, Tennessee whose charisma makes him the ladies’ man, but there’s a special lady back home from across the tracks that he never felt he was good enough for. Vocal Range bottom: Low C "FROM MY HOMETOWN"
Ringleader of the group. Wears her heart on her sleeve. Her grandfather ran this VFW hall for 26 years. Leanne manages her family’s printing company American Graphics, and is very good at using her passion and enthusiasm to persuade others. Vocal Range: Alto-Mezzo Soprano; (D belt-mix) bottom female voice on ensemble songs. "THE PIN UP GIRLS"
Outgoing. A bit of a flirt. Graduated from Beauty School and is now a ‘beauty consultant.’ Vocal Range: Soprano; F3 to G5 (Eb Belt) middle voice on ensemble songs. "THE PIN UP GIRLS"
Teaches music at a catholic middle school. Reserved with a childlike innocence. Extremely excited to be performing for a room full of people who are over twelve years old! She arranges all the music. Plays ukulele if possible. Vocal Range: Bright Soprano; G2 to G5 (G mix) top voice on ensemble songs. "THE PIN UP GIRLS"
Brother to Leanne. Hipster with a smart-alecky attitude and a great sense of humor. Likes being the center of attention. After Sharon’s water breaks, Joel is thrust into the show with only one day of rehearsal! “What could possibly go wrong?!” Vocal Range: Bari-Tenor; D2 to G3. (G belt, plus falsetto) bottom male voice on ensemble songs. "THE PIN UP GIRLS"