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"Hitting The Curve" Stage Pay In Need Of Cast

Grosse Pointe, MI, United States
ID: 273262Exp: 1/14/2025

Audition notice for "Hitting The Curve" show. Actors wanted. Please see the breakdown below. About the project: SYNOPSIS: ACT I opens in the present day with lead character John Moretti’s monologue on getting old and enduring loss. He is 81 years old here. The story quickly pivots to 1990, and John’s life in Staten Island at 45 years old, and his marriage to childhood sweetheart, Janice, and their 18-year-old daughter Annie. John’s success as a businessman is revealed, along with his struggle to accept his only child leaving the nest and heading off to college. Reminiscing about the quick passage of time with Janice, John takes a walk outside before heading up to bed, and witnesses his 15-year-old self, along with his older brother Mark, and his three childhood friends Mickey, Paddy, and Sean all in their mid-teens playing baseball in Brooklyn where he grew up. This Italian – Irish rivalry plays out as “Teen Johnny” finds himself still unable to hit Mickey’s curveball. Middle Age John and Teen Johnny meet face to face after the game, as the older guides the younger with hints of caution and mystery of what’s to come. John Moretti endured an abusive and alcoholic father, and the following scene shows one Anthony Moretti, John and Mark’s father, in the summer of 1960, with John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon as the topic of the opening dialogue, and Anthony’s unsettling language towards his wife, Theresa Moretti, along with his physical abuse towards Teen Johnny himself. Middle-Age John recalls the event well, as a 15-year-old son who was forever longing for his father’s approval, especially with baseball and, in particular, being able to hit a curveball. Anthony was a former ball player himself who drank away his chance at a tryout with the Yankees in the Joe DiMaggio era. Coming into the spotlight multiple times during ACT I is 81-year-old John Moretti, as narrator, to reveal the specifics of his enduring pain and sadness, including his wife Janice and daughter Annie dying in a car accident, along with his childhood friends and only sibling, Mark, never making it back from Vietnam. These events lead John to seek counseling where his therapist, Dr. Cohen, witnesses John in various hallucinatory and delusionary states throughout one of their sessions, telling his therapist that he “needs to get home to show his dad that he can hit the curve.” ACT I concludes with Middle-Age John in his work office unable to ward off his illness during a phone call, while 81-year-old John assumes his place on stage and finds himself in slippers and pajamas in a hospital for the mentally ill, crying out for “Janice!” ACT II opens with 81-year-old John in the hospital having a hallucination about playing an extra inning game that day as Dr. Eckert walks in and takes him for a walk outside to visit someone. There he meets Elderly Janice, a social worker, who has been friends with John for years and of whom has loved him since meeting him as a homeless, 23-year-old man. John and Janice are shown in their younger years in a flashback scene at a park where he tells her that his parents died when he was eight years old, and that he was in and out of foster care from age eight until age 17... Additional info: Shows: Friday, April 11, 2025 and Saturday, April 12, 2025. If you are interested, please apply.

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7 roles

MIDDLE-AGE JOHNMale40-50 y.o.All ethnicities

(LEAD). Emotionally versatile actor with ability to show slow, mental decline throughout the play. Strong actor who can set the tone of the story. Brooklyn/Staten Island, Italian accent.

MIDDLE-AGE JANICEFemale40-50 y.o.All ethnicities

(SUPPORT). Wife of Middle-Age John. Opinionated, elegant, with a quick wit. A tad high maintenance. Brooklyn/Staten Island, Italian accent.

YOUNG JANICEFemale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

(FEATURED): mid-20’s. A social worker who notices Young John as a homeless man and tries to help him. She is sensitive, warm, and a bit on the shy side. Brooklyn/Staten Island, Italian accent.

ANTHONY MORETTIMale40-50 y.o.All ethnicities

(FEATURED). Father of lead character, John Moretti, and of eldest son Mark Moretti. Husband to Theresa Moretti. Anthony is an abusive, alcoholic with a vulgar and sloppy demeanor. Physically demanding role, with fight scene. Brooklyn/Staten Island, Italian accent.

THERESA MORETTIFemale40-50 y.o.All ethnicities

(FEATURED). Mother of John and Mark Moretti, wife to Anthony. Theresa is the protector of her children against her husband’s abuse. She is a strong, and loud Italian woman, but is also a 1960’s housewife who does not work and has no financial options to leave her husband. Brooklyn/Staten Island, Italian accent.

DR. COHENBoth genders40-60 y.o.All ethnicities

(FEATURED). Professorial type psychologist who counsels Middle Age John. Actor needs to be able to convey both empathy, as well as an air of intellectual superiority.

NANCYFemale30-50 y.o.All ethnicities

(FEATURED). Secretary to Middle Age John. A bit ditzy, but confident. Has a good nature and sense of humor.