Performers Needed for "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" Show
The company is holding audition for "The Last Night of Ballyhoo" Show and looking for performers, please see the details below. About the project: THE LAST ST NIGHT NIGHT OF OF BALLYHOO takes place in Atlanta, Georgia, in December of 1939. Gone with with the Wind is having its world premier and Hitler is invading Poland, but Atlanta's elitist German Jews are much more concerned with who are is going to Ballyhoo, the social event of the season. Especially concerned is the Freitag family: bachelor Adolph; his widowed sister, Beulah (Boo) Levy: and their also widowed sister-in-law, Reba. Boo is determined to have her dreamy, unpopular daughter, Lala, attend Ballyhoo, believing it will be Lala's last chance to find a socially acceptable husband. Adolph brings his new assistant, Joe Farkas, home for dinner. Joe is Brooklyn horn and bred, and furthermore is of Eastern European heritage-several social rungs below the Freitag's, in Beulah's opinion. Lala, however, is charmed by Joe and she hints broadly about being taken to Ballyhoo, but he turns her down. This enrages Boo, and matters get worse when Joe falls for Lala's cousin, Reba's daughter, Sunny, home from Wellesley for Christmas vacation. Additional info: Performers will be asked to read from the script. Please bring a photo, theatrical resume (if you have one) and any conflicts. (no conflicts during tech or performances) no AEA or union at this time Rehearsals Monday-Thursday 6:30pm-9:00 or 7pm-10pm starting October 21 rehearsals will run later as we get closer to opening and additional rehearsals will be called as needed tech tech begins on Sunday, December 1 [with a full day rehearsal 2pm-8pm) then, tech continues through December 5th performances December 6th-22nd Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm and Sundays at 3pm.
7 roles
Southern accent boo's daughter. Spoiled, socially awkward, flighty and at times childish. She is obsessed with gone with the wind.
Southern accent sister-in-law to bod and Adolph, mother to sunny. A widow. She is often on an alternate frequency then the rest of the world. She is good hearted. Sweet and realistic. She knits throughout the entire play. She is the opposite of boo.
Southern accent - mother to Lala, sister to Adolph. A widow. She is cunning, intelligent, pushy and at times mean. She will do whatever it takes to make sure that Lala maintains her place in society.
Southern accent boo's brother, sunny and Lala's uncle. He is the "man of the house" and takes care of his sister, sister-in-law and nieces. He is a business man and a bachelor. H is a good man with a sense of humor.
Brooklyn accent - he is an eastern European Jewish boy from Brooklyn, who Adolph hires to work at the family business. He become smitten with sunny. He is shocked by the family and exposes their internalized prejudices.
Southern accent - Reba's daughter. A junior at Wellesley. She is sweet, sincere, smart, humble and very likeable. She is the polar opposite of Lala.
Louisiana/Southern accent - from a wealthy family in Louisiana. He doesn't take anything very seriously. He is cocky and somewhat annoying.