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Performers Needed for Production of "The Devil & I"

Brooklyn, NY, United States
ID: 269370Exp: 9/7/2024
online audition

Audition for "The Devil & I" show. Looking for cast. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Please see the breakdown below. About the project: Directors are currently looking for non-union actors/dancers for an off-off Broadway production of "The Devil & I". Synopsis: "Since Kay was a kid, he’s been mentored by the Devil himself. Now, the transmasc college student is reconnecting with his chosen family. Kay’s lost touch with them—especially with his childhood best friend, Juna. But after asking to take refuge in her home over winter break, he’s let back into their lives—and faces the consequences of breaking up with Juna’s older brother and coming out as trans via a Facebook post." Rate: $100.00 per gig. Additional info: Looking for people who are willing to explore, interpret, and connect to the text. Prepare one performance you feel represents you as a person. It could be a monologue. It could also be a song, a dance, a poetry reading, or a monologue you wrote. It can be anything, so long as it is less than 5 minutes long. Headshot and resume preferred. Directors also accept self-taped submissions: please see the document attached. If you are interested, please apply.

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7 roles

KAYBoth genders18-21 y.o.All ethnicities

19, college freshman. He/they.

THE DEVILBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Ageless, inhuman.

JOHNMale46-54 y.o.All ethnicities

A welcoming father.

JUNAFemale18-22 y.o.All ethnicities

20, college sophomore. A fill-in mother. Eldest daughter.

JACOBMale19-23 y.o.All ethnicities

21, college sophomore. Eldest of the three.

TEEN JACOBMale18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

DADMale55-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Kay’s biological father.