Production "Les Zinspire.e.s 12: Le Nombre Sublime" Needs Actors
ONLY LOCAL FRENCH-SPEAKING TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Seeking male and female performers for production of "Les Zinspire.e.s 12: Le Nombre Sublime". More details are below. Additional information: THIS IS AN OPEN CALL. No pre-selection will be made. To provide as many Greater Toronto Area applicants as possible with the opportunity to make themselves known, TfT is requesting self-taping video auditions for this first round of auditions. DEADLINE to submit self-tape: Sunday, August 11th, 2024, 11:59 p.m. When applying, please submit photo and resume in a single PDF with your name in the title of the file. Audition video (self-tape) including: 1 scene of your choice from the sides (scripts) provided from Les Zinspiré.e.s (1-2 takes, different in tone); 1 minute max. of self-introduction, if Vincent does not already know you. Please let them know if you have any training in clown, dance, physical theater or movement; Optional: 1 minute max. of a talent you would like to share (ex: singing, dancing, playing an instrument, clown, etc.) You can also showcase your talent by sharing a link to a short pre-existing video/demo; Slate at the end (wider frame if possible) with name, height, agency (or ‘self-represented’) and city of residence.
6 roles
French-speaking adult to play the role of a woman. Distraught, accomplished businesswoman, an eternal romantic. Synopsis of “Au secours, l’amour me chasse”: Ana is pulled in two directions: her mother keeps trying to set her up with the man of her dreams, while her best friend encourages her to flourish in her new position at work.
French-speaking adult to play the role of a man. Go-getter, motivated, resourceful. Synopsis of “Guac Attaque”: Two young entrepreneurs, Léon and Charlie, dive into the world of dropshipping and will see the ups and downs of mercantilism and capitalism. Mr. Mo Money, an influencer and pseudo-motivator, will be both their hero and their worst enemy.
French-speaking adult woman. Woman created in a laboratory, in search of her identity, craving a sense of belonging. Synopsis of “Comment peindre une fille”: A woman who was designed by a mad scientist is welcomed into a community of drag queens who will help her emancipate herself and freely define her individuality.
French-speaking adult to play the role of a drag queen from the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Drag queen, warm, protective. Synopsis of “Comment peindre une fille”: A woman who was designed by a mad scientist is welcomed into a community of drag queens who will help her emancipate herself and freely define her individuality.
French-speaking adult woman. Burning out, lover of podcasts about the supernatural and scary stories. Synopsis of “Double Identité”: In this thriller, a young couple goes to a cabin in the woods where they experience the doppelganger theory - if you see your double, it's an omen of death.
French-speaking adult woman. Grandiose, demanding with high standards, deeply worried when her twin sister disappears. With Parisian or international French accent (inspiration: Kardashians, Paris Hilton, spoofs of soap operas) Synopsis of “Salutations, Parisienne”: Two Parisian twins (Salue-Tassion and Parie-Zienne) are part of a hyper superficial family unit (fashion, brands, appearance, etc.).