"A Cinderella Christmas" Show Looking for Performers
The company is holding auditions for “A Cinderella Christmas" Show and looking for performers, please see the details below. About the project: Original holiday production of the classic story of Ella, her ugly stepsisters, mean stepmother and the Fairy Godmother. The Prince has come of age and seeks a wife at the ball. Based on the folktale of a young woman living in awful circumstances who suddenly ascends to the throne by way of “a little glass slipper.” Additional info: Those wishing to audition do not need to prepare anything. They will read from a script and be taught the dance used at the Christmas ball. Perform: December 14, 15, 16 at 7:30 pm, 16 and 17 at 2:00 pm
12 roles
Her father
Her overbearing stepmother
Her stepsister;
Her other stepsister;