Equity Performers Needed For Production Of "Daphne"
Seeking Equity actors for roles in "Daphne". Please see more info below. Rate: LORT Non-Rep $972 weekly minimum (LORT C). Additional info: Audition break: 1:00-2:00 pm. 1ST REHEARSAL: September 12, 2023. 1ST PERFORMANCE: October 7, 2023. OPENING: October 23, 2023. CLOSE: November 19, 2023. Note: Adherence to all applicable New York State, New York City, and CDC public health and safety guidelines will be required of all employees. Actors must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 to be considered for an offer of employment. EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions. No roles will be understudied. Theater is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in all areas of its structure and operations as attention to these goals makes it stronger and helps better serve the artists, staff, crew, audience, and community at large. Theater welcomes candidates who are fully committed to joining a theater that is proactively focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants from populations underrepresented in theater and who align themselves with Theater’s values and goals are encouraged to apply. PREPARATION: Sides will be provided. If you are interested, please apply.
5 roles
Female-identifying. Formerly lived in the city, but now living somewhere in the middle of nowhere with Winona, her partner. Doesn't know much about her new surroundings, reliant on Winona for information, but she isn't sure what's true and what's not. Deeply curious to the point of recklessness, she uses her sense of humor and denial to shield herself from danger. Vulnerable and porous to her surroundings, she is undergoing a transformation that she doesn't understand.
Female-identifying. Recently brought Daphne to live with her in the middle of nowhere. She's deeply invested in everything she does, which reveals itself through her need to control. Has answers for all of Daphne's questions, but are they true? Her natural eccentricity teeters between charming and off-putting. Driven by the fear that everything she knows to be true will collapse.
Female-identifying. Protective friend of Daphne’s from the city. Charming, straightforward, and highly perceptive. You can tell her all of your secrets, and she’ll keep them safe. The most fun and compelling person you know.
Female-identifying. Her world is small but she knows it well. Worries hard for the people she loves. Doesn’t hold a grudge. Proud to be a new Mom. Sharply observant, she could walk you through your own house over the phone to find where you put down your nail clippers the other week, but she also snoops in business that isn’t hers.
Female-identifying or Non-Binary. BIPOC. Her/Their house is visible from Winona and Daphne's. Most comfortable in her/their solitude but immediately makes you feel safe when you’re in her/their presence. Resilient. At ease in the wilderness. Lives off the land.