Non-Equity Performers Needed for "Rent" The Musical
The company is seeking non-equity cast for "Rent" the musical, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Rent is a rock musical by Jonathan Larson, loosely based on the opera La boheme. It tells the story of impoverished young artists struggling to survive and create a life in Lower Manhattan's East Village, NYC, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS in the early 1990s. Rate: $250 stipend per role Additional info: Time Commitment: Show date: July 18, 19, 24, 25, 26 at 7:30 pm AND July 20, 26, 27 at 2pm Note: two performances on July 26 Material To Prepare: Prepare a video showcasing 32 bars (60-90 seconds) of a a pop-rock song or musical theatre song in the style of the show that demonstrates your range and vocal ability. Singing from the show is permitted. Please apply if interested.
19 roles
A Jewish-American struggling documentary filmmaker and the narrator of the show. Soul-searching like a typical New York bohemian to find his place in the world and is a bit of a nerd. He is Roger's roommate and he has recently been dumped by Maureen.
A once-successful-but-now-struggling musician who is HIV-positive and a recovering addict. He has difficulty coping with his own mortality as well as that of his friends, struggling to write one great song before he dies. Roommates with Mark. Guitar skills desired.
A Latina stripper at the local strip bar. Mimi lives downstairs from Mark and Roger and is Roger's love interest. Mimi is also a drug addict and is HIV-positive. Additionally she is Benny's ex lover. Dance experience desired.
An anarchist professor who is HIV-positive, Collins dreams of opening a restaurant in Santa Fe, where the problems in New York will not affect him and his friends. Previously lived in the loft with Roger, Mark, Benny, and Maureen. Angel's love interest.
A young and joyous drag queen, Angel is a street percussionist with a generous disposition to give to others. Bold and magnetic. HIV-positive. Collins' love interest. Drag experience desired.
A performance artist and free spirit who is Mark's ex-girlfriend and Joanne's current girlfriend. She is very flirtatious, confident, sassy, and a true bohemian flourishing in New York City. She previously lived in the loft with Mark, Roger, Collins, and Benny.
An Ivy League-educated public interest lawyer and a lesbian. Joanne is the woman for whom Maureen left Mark. Joanne has very politically powerful parents and herself is committed to helping the less fortunate.
The landlord of Mark, Roger, and Mimi's apartment building and ex-roommate of Mark, Collins, Roger, and Maureen. Now married to Alison Grey, he is considered yuppie scum and a sell-out by his ex-roommates. He at one time had a relationship with Mimi.