Looking for Equity Actors for Theatre's 2025 Season Shows
Equity actors for roles in Theatre's 2025 Season. See breakdown below. Rate: CORST $1221 weekly minimum (Tier X) - MSMT pays $1,450 weekly for Equity Members, favored nations Additional info: Audition lunch 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM All principal roles will be understudied. PREPARATION Please bring a selection in the style of the shows to sing. You are welcome and encouraged to sing from the shows. An accompanist will be provided. Please bring sheet music properly marked and in the correct key. Also, please bring two copies of your headshot and resume, stapled together. Callbacks: April 3, 4, and 5 (morning) of 2025. Theatre does not provide cars to actors. Theatre’s housing is diverse and unique per property. EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions. Notes: This is a CORST contract – COUNCIL OF RESIDENT STOCK THEATRES: If hired on a resident contract, you will be in rehearsal for one show during the day and performing another show at night. If you are offered 2 or more consecutive shows you will be on a resident contract. "TOOTSIE" First Rehearsal: June 7, 2025 Opening: June 25, 2025 Closing: July 12, 2025 "FOOTLOOSE" First Rehearsal: June 28, 2025 Opening: July 16, 2025 Closing: August 2, 2025 "WEST SIDE STORY" First Rehearsal: July 19, 2025 Opening: August 6, 2025 Closing: August 23, 2025 Note: LATINE performers are encouraged to audition for the roles in the Sharks. If you are interested, please apply.
25 roles
As Michael, he is an excellent actor and singer who can’t get out of his own way...fiercely and stubbornly passionate about his craft and as a result “difficult”, volatile, unlikable. As Dorothy, he is able to see the world through women's eyes...and his angry exterior finds a softer, warmer, more compassionate side and ultimately a much more powerful and lovable human being. Male Identifying. Vocal range: A2-D5. "TOOTSIE"
Uber-talented, focused, self-assured, totally charming. At a crossroads...she’s committed to her career and knows she has the goods to go all the way...but also knows the huge personal cost. Masking her pain she’s lonely and a little lost...needs a friend like Dorothy. Female Identifying. Vocal range: E3-G5. "TOOTSIE"
Michael’s ex-girlfriend, now a friend...hanging on by her fingernails in a business that’s passing her by. Hilariously neurotic, needy, and self effacing. Comic able to keep the bazillion quirks bubbling and babbling at the highest level while remaining entirely believable, lovable, and sympathetic. Female Identifying. Vocal range: G#3-E5. "TOOTSIE"
A ridiculously handsome and self-obsessed actor with boundless energy and sincerity but no discernible talent...until he takes his shirt off. He might not be the sharpest pencil in the box...but his flawless pecs and abs are all the “smarts” he needs. A comic singer with a killer body...and an innate sweetness. Male Identifying. Vocal range top: G4. "TOOTSIE"
Michael’s roommate...a playwright/waiter who lacks the ambition and drive to live up to his potential. A sardonic realist...wry, honest, and very funny. Knows Michael better than anyone in the world...and is able to tell him the truth even when the truth hurts and is hilarious. Male Identifying. Vocal range: B2-D5. "TOOTSIE"
The producer of the show that makes Dorothy a star. Matter of fact, no-nonsense, with an eye on the bottom line and a mouth full of one-liners. A woman in a man’s world, she sees in Dorothy, a fellow middle-aged female warrior making it on her own terms...and she likes what she sees. Female Identifying. Vocal range: F3-B4. "TOOTSIE"
Michael’s overworked agent. Believes in Michael and his talent and truly wants to build his career with him...but is at his wit’s end trying to navigate the rocky waters of Michael’s self-destructive instincts. His discovery of Michael as Dorothy sends him comically over the edge. Male Identifying. "TOOTSIE"
Inexplicably successful director/choreographer of the Broadway show we are watching being rehearsed. Pretentious, condescending, and hysterically inept. Unfortunately, he totally believes his own publicity. Thrown for a complete loop by Dorothy who calls him on both his misogyny and his total lack of theatrical skills. Male Identifying. Vocal range: F#2-B4. "TOOTSIE"
Energetic, emotional, rebellious, likable; emotes his pain through quirky sarcasm and dance; strong dancer. Male Identifying. Vocal range: D3-C5. "FOOTLOOSE"
The powerful, traditional local church leader; strict, stern, and solemn, still struggling with the death of his son. Male Identifying. Vocal range: A2-F#4. "FOOTLOOSE"
Reverend Moore’s loving, supportive, resilient wife. Female Identifying. Vocal range: A3-Db5. "FOOTLOOSE"
Smart, a bit of the bad girl with an edge, sweet, the rebellious minister’s daughter; has a strong belt, a strong singer/dancer. Female Identifying. Vocal range: G3-Eb5. "FOOTLOOSE"
A simple country bumpkin with a warm heart and a big smile; has comedic timing and dances. Male identifying. Vocal range: Bb2-Ab4. "FOOTLOOSE"
Ren’s mother; had a tough go, just trying to make it...would do anything for her son. Female Identifying. Vocal range: A3-D5. "FOOTLOOSE"
The local bad boy and Ariel’s boyfriend. Male Identifying. Vocal range: F#3-B4. "FOOTLOOSE"
A spritely, quick-tempered leader. He seeks to eliminate the Sharks and establish his own gang's dominance. Tony's best friend, he is eventually murdered by Bernardo. Male Identifying. Vocal range: Bb2-G4. "WEST SIDE STORY"
A romantic young man and former leader of the Jets, he has found a new lifestyle now. Tony finds himself violently torn between his friendships and love. Falls in love with Maria and meets an untimely death. Genuinely sweet and sincere. Male Identifying. Vocal range: Bb2-Bb4. "WEST SIDE STORY"
A proud, strong, handsome Puerto Rican man. Bernardo seeks to carve out territory as a sense of identity for him and his friends. Maria's brother and Anita's boyfriend. Leader of the Sharks. Male Identifying. Vocal range top: Bb2-Eb4. "WEST SIDE STORY"
A hopeless romantic and innocent young girl. She falls in love with Tony and finds herself at the center of the violent conflict between the two gangs. Bernardo's sister. Puerto Rican. Female Identifying. Vocal range top: Bb3-C6. "WEST SIDE STORY"
Feisty and assertive. She dispenses "older sister" advice to Maria and tries to shield her from the dangers of the gangs. Bernardo's girlfriend and Maria's friend. Puerto Rican. Female Identifying. Vocal range: F3-D5. "WEST SIDE STORY"
An angry and, at times, naive Shark who turns murderous and vengeful. Suitor to Maria and friend of Bernardo's. Male Identifying. "WEST SIDE STORY"
A spunky tomboy who is desperate to become a member of the Jets. The other Jets mock her for her ambitions, but generally appreciate her company. Full of energy and heart. Female Identifying. "WEST SIDE STORY"
The owner of the candy store where the Jets hang out. He tries to guide the Jets youthful angst and provides a safe haven for Tony. Old fashioned and wise in his ways. Male Identifying. "WEST SIDE STORY"
A local police detective frustrated by the ongoing violence between the Jets and Sharks. Blunt, brash, and unapologetic. Male Identifying. "WEST SIDE STORY"
The local beat cop. He has no patience for the gangs’ conflict and tries to keep tensions from erupting between them. Regularly mocked by the local gangs. Male Identifying. "WEST SIDE STORY"