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Seeking Talented People for a Comedy
El Dorado, AR, United States
ID: 279281Exp: 2/21/2025
easy applyonline audition
Looking for real funny people that can make this outta this world comedy come alive.
5 roles
ChipMale18-20 y.o.African-American
A school friend of the other cast members.
DexMale18-20 y.o.African-American
A school friend with a funny sense of humor.
LouchMale18-22 y.o.African-American
A extra who didn’t get invited to the party but came anyway.
TyMale18-22 y.o.African-American
A extra who wasn’t invited to the party but came with Louch.
ToyaFemale18-22 y.o.African-American
BFF with Mook the girl that had the party and hype.