"A Facility For Living" Audition for the Theater
In search of talent for the "A Facility For Living" project. Find more details provided below. About the project: Joe Taylor, a retired actor, moves into a prison-turned-elder-care facility shortly after the demise of Medicare and the election of Dick Cheney to President. There he discovers a community of loveable, irascible inmates hell-bent on bucking the dehumanizing system in which they have landed. Together, this band of aging misfits rediscovers purpose and dignity in the face of a system mightily stacked against them. A delightful comedy with bite from Katie Forgette, that dares to confront the issue of aging in America. Additional info: SHOW DATES APRIL 25-27; To be considered, please apply.
6 roles
Aspirations exceed opportunities and perhaps intellect. Tattoos.
Ill, but not so that you would necessarily notice.
Cranky mush-pot. Well hidden, but present, regard for human frailty.
Re-energized in her role as a nurse now that personal responsibility is the new slogan in health care. Speaks quickly and with authority. Tough love practitioner, not sadistic.
Former nurse, now resident; declining health but not kindness. Her speech is fluid and bright. She could very easily be mistaken for an employee at the nursing home except for rare moments of pixilation.
Loyal, tenacious.