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Auditions for Musical "Ragtime"

Smithfield, VA, United States
ID: 277956Exp: 2/10/2025

Looking for men and women for "Ragtime!". Please see the details below. About the project: At the dawn of a new century, everything is changing... and anything is possible. Set in the volatile melting pot of turn-of-the-century New York, three distinctly American tales are woven together – that of a stifled upper-class wife, a determined Jewish immigrant and a daring young Harlem musician – united by their courage, compassion and belief in the promise of the future. Together, they confront history's timeless contradictions of wealth and poverty, freedom and prejudice, hope and despair... and what it means to live in America. Additional info: - Be prepared to sing 16-32 bars of a musical theatre song of your choice (fast or slow doesn't matter). We will provide an audition pianist if you bring sheet music. Recorded music can also be used but must have the capability to connect via Bluetooth - There will also be a dance/movement component so dress accordingly - There may also be readings from the script Callbacks, if needed, will be held on February 11 at 6:00 pm. If interested, please apply.

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21 roles

Coalhouse Walker Jr.Male25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

A proud and talented pianist. A Black man who believes that he can take part in the new America and will be treated fairly. Vocal range top: A4 Vocal range bottom: G2

SarahFemale20-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Washwoman. Sarah is a young Black woman, beautiful and filled with a strong will to live, fueled by an innocent spirit. Falls deeply in love with Coalhouse after much resistance. Vocal range top: F#5 Vocal range bottom: G#3

MotherFemale30-40 y.o.All ethnicities

The consummate wife and mother. A kind woman with incredible moral fiber. Refined, intelligent, graceful and open minded. Vocal range top: F#5 Vocal range bottom: G3

FatherMale30-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Mother's professionally successful husband. Fancies himself an amateur explorer, he is commanding and attractive. Enjoys being the family breadwinner, a traditionalist. Vocal range top: F4 Vocal range bottom: A2

Younger BrotherMale20-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Mother's younger brother. He is an erratic and passionate soul, a firework waiting to be lit. Influenced greatly by Goldman's teachings. Vocal range top: F#4 Vocal range bottom: B2

GrandfatherMale40-70 y.o.All ethnicities

Mother's patrician father. He is a retired professor, and easily irritated by nearly everything.

TatehMale35-45 y.o.All ethnicities

A Latvian immigrant. He wears the trials and tribulations of his past on his sleeve, but remains optimistic that he will be successful. Full of genuine drive and heart. He lives for his little daughter. Vocal range top: F#4 Vocal range bottom: Bb2

Booker T. WashingtonMale45-55 y.o.All ethnicities

Brilliant Black social activist. He is an eloquent and articulate gentleman with no patience for Black Americans leading less than exemplary lives. Vocal range top: Eb4 Vocal range bottom: D3

Emma GoldmanFemale35-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Social activist. Originally from Russia, she is a leader, a fearless advocate for the oppressed. Vocal range top: D5 Vocal range bottom: B3

Evelyn NesbitFemale18-21 y.o.All ethnicities

Beautiful vaudeville performer. Thrust into the limelight after the high profile murder of her lover, the entire world is her stage. Vocal range top: D5 Vocal range bottom: B3

Harry HoudiniMale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

The famous magician, originally from Hungary. With notable physical ability, he stands as a symbol of the 'American Dream.' Vocal range top: G4 Vocal range bottom: E3

Baseball FansBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Coalhouse SupportersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


FiremenBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Immigrants To AmericaBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


New Rochelle CitizensBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


ReportersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


VacationersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Coalhouse's LawyerBoth genders18-56 y.o.African-American


Harlem CitizensBoth genders18-56 y.o.African-American


HensonMale18-56 y.o.African-American
