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Equity Performers for Playhouse's 2025 Season

New York, NY, United States
ID: 277429Exp: 1/29/2025

Equity actors for roles in Playhouse's 2025 Season. See breakdown below. Rate: COST Special $961 weekly minimum - Plus travel and housing. Additional info: Audition lunch 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM PREPARATION Please prepare a brief song. Bring sheet music in the correct key and a stapled headshot and resume. An accompanist will be provided. EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition. Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions. "COME FROM AWAY" First Rehearsal (Maine)- April 29 First Preview- May 15 Opening- May 17 Closing- June 14 "GUYS AND DOLLS" First Rehearsal (NYC) - June 2 First Preview- June 19 Opening - June 21 Closing - July 19 "HIGH SOCIETY" First Rehearsal (NYC) - July 7 First Preview - July 24 Opening - July 26 Closing - Aug 23 "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES" First Rehearsal (NYC) - Aug 11 First Preview - Aug 28 Opening - Aug 30 Closing - Sept 27 "TITANIC" First Rehearsal (NYC) - Sept 15 First Preview - Oct 2 Opening - Oct 4 Closing - Nov 2 "WHITE CHRISTMAS" First Rehearsal (Maine)- Nov 18 First Preview- Dec 3 Opening- Dec 5 Closing- Dec 21 If you are interested, please apply.

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73 roles

CLAUDEBoth genders40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The gregarious and well-liked Mayor of Gander, Newfoundland, Claude loves his work, the townspeople and his daily traditions, but he's never had to deal with a crisis of this magnitude before. Baritone. "COME FROM AWAY"

BONNIEBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A no-nonsense mother of three, Bonnie is the head of the Gander area SPCA. When she discovers animals are trapped on the planes, she stops at nothing to ensure their safety - but in frustration, she often lashes out at those around her. Alto/Soprano 2. "COME FROM AWAY"

BEULAHBoth genders40-60 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. The head of the Gander Legion, with a firefighter son, who walks Hannah to her church and prays with her. Mix belt. "COME FROM AWAY"

OZBoth genders30-50 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The quirky constable in the two-person Gander police force. When the town's population suddenly doubles, Oz helps out in unexpected ways. Tenor. "COME FROM AWAY"

JANICEBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. An eager new local TV reporter, Janice is thrown into the deep end on her first day. Initially naïve about the world, Janice must face the pain and confusion around her. Belt with soprano mix. "COME FROM AWAY"

BEVERLY/ANNETTEBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. [BEVERLY] The first female captain for American Airlines Pilot, Beverly Bass has always loved flying, when her world suddenly changes. [ANNETTE] A local teacher and librarian at the Gander Academy and a mother. A practical woman who, on occasion, has been known to drift off into a daydream. High mix/belt with soprano. "COME FROM AWAY"

DIANEBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A traditional divorcee from Texas, who is terrified that her son may have been flying at the time of the attacks. When she finds out that he's safe, she's given a new lease on life and discovers a wilder more carefree side of herself. Alto with soprano. "COME FROM AWAY"

NICK/DOUGBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. [NICK] An English oil engineer who is focused on his work, Nick's life is turned upside down when he falls for Diane. [DOUG] An Air Traffic Controller, married to Bonnie, who tries to help his wife and the animals. Baritenor. "COME FROM AWAY"

KEVINT/GARTHBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. [KEVINT] The head of an environmental energy company in Los Angeles, Kevin was on vacation with his boyfriend (and secretary, also named Kevin), when they are stranded in Gander. Inspired by the town's generosity, Kevin creates the Pay It Forward Foundation. [GARTH] The head of the local union, representing the Bus Drivers. Tenor. "COME FROM AWAY"

KEVINJ/ALIBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. [KEVINJ] Kevin's T’s boyfriend and secretary. Sarcastic and unhappy, he is eager to leave as soon as possible. The events of September 11 make him reassess his life and his future. [ALI] A Middle Eastern chef who works for an international hotel chain. He is misunderstood at times and the subject of discrimination, but despite adversity, he shows resilience and kindness. Baritenor. "COME FROM AWAY"

BOB/MUHUMUZABoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. [BOB] A hardened New Yorker, Bob is suspicious of where he's landed, fearing that it's World War 3, that someone is going to shoot him and steal his wallet - but instead, he ends up losing his New York jadedness. [MUHUMUZA] A husband and a father. He is a protective man who, like his family, is rattled by the events of September 11 and is frightened that they are all being taken to a military compound. Baritone. "COME FROM AWAY"

HANNAHBoth genders40-60 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. The mother of a fire fighter in Manhattan, Hanna waits for news about her son and is comforted by Beulah. Belt with soprano mix. "COME FROM AWAY"

SINGERSBoth genders30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent singers to play various ensemble/standby roles and cover principal roles. "COME FROM AWAY"

SKY MASTERSONBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A high-stakes gambler with seemingly endless luck, Sky is a charming and unpredictable figure who surprises even himself when he falls for a woman he never expected. Suave, intelligent, and attractive. Baritone. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

SARAH BROWNBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A bright, idealistic woman who serves as the Sergeant of a local Mission. She is deeply committed to her cause of transforming gamblers into saints. Over the course of the show, she unexpectedly falls in love with Sky. Initially prude and uptight, she eventually loosens up. Soprano. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

NATHAN DETROITBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A good-natured but perpetually struggling gambler who runs a craps game but never seems to hit the big time. Though he loves Adelaide, he can’t break free from his gambling habits. A schemer, though unwittingly so. Baritone. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

MISS ADELAIDEBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. Nathan’s long-suffering fiancée and a lead performer at the Hot Box nightclub. She loves Nathan deeply and dreams of finally marrying him, despite his reluctance to settle down. Outspoken, headstrong, and charmingly stubborn. Mezzo. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

NICELY-NICELY JOHNSONBoth genders30-44 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. True to his name, he is the sweetest and most cheerful of the gamblers. Naïve yet sincere, he’s a loyal and devoted friend to Nathan, always ready to support his schemes. Tenor to a high B. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

BENNY SOUTHSTREETBoth genders30-44 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Nathan’s loyal right-hand man and fellow gambler. Smooth and resourceful, he’s always on the move, thinking he’s looking out for Nathan’s best interests. Tenor. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

HARRY THE HORSEBoth genders30-44 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A tough, money-driven gambler. He brings Big Jule into Nathan’s craps game and stands by him through cheating schemes, though he’s also a man of integrity in the gambling world. Tenor to a high B. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

BIG JULEBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A tough, intimidating craps player from Chicago who uses rigged dice and threats to ensure his victories. Bulky and a bit clumsy, he relies on his gun and intimidating demeanor to get what he wants. Bass/Baritone. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

RUSTY CHARLIEBoth genders30-44 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A fellow gangster who has come into wealth by collecting a reward for his father’s death. He’s Big Jule’s sidekick, but unlike his partner, Rusty Charlie is more calculated and level-headed, able to keep his cool when needed. Tenor. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

ARVIDE ABERNATHYBoth genders55-64 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The wise, gentle bass drum and cymbal player in the Mission band, Arvide is Sarah’s beloved grandfather. His caring nature and desire for Sarah’s happiness make him a stabilizing force in her life. Baritone. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

LT. BRANNIGANBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A no-nonsense New York police officer who is determined to shut down Nathan’s illegal craps games. Tough and resolute, he is committed to catching Nathan in the act. Baritone. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

GENERAL MATILDA B. CARTWRIGHTBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. The regional leader of the Salvation Army. A commanding, no-nonsense woman with a strong presence, she also reveals a surprising sense of humor. Mezzo. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

DANCERSBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent dancers who sing to play THE HOT BOX GIRLS and CRAP SHOOTERS to cover principal roles. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

SINGERSBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent singers to play various ensemble roles and cover principal roles. "GUYS AND DOLLS"

TRACY SAMANTHA LORDBoth genders26-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. Wealthy daughter of MARGARET LORD/SETH LORD who is about to marry her second husband. Elegant yet strong-willed. Mezzo-Soprano. "HIGH SOCIETY"

MARGARET LORDBoth genders43-47 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting, mid 40s. Wife to SETH and mother to TRACY. Epitome of high society matron. Sophisticated and poised. Mezzo-Soprano. "HIGH SOCIETY"

SETH LORDBoth genders43-47 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting, mid 40s. Husband to MARGARET and father to TRACY. A warm and friendly patriarch. Baritone. "HIGH SOCIETY"

LIZ IMBRIEBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A magazine photographer. Inquisitive with a sharp mind and tongue. Mezzo-Soprano. "HIGH SOCIETY"

DEXTER C.K. HAVENBoth genders30-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. TRACY’s former husband. Handsome and athletic graduate from Yale who is still in love with Tracy. Baritone. "HIGH SOCIETY"

MIKE (MACAULAY) CONNERBoth genders33-37 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting, mid 30s. A reporter/journalist pal of LIZ. Poetic, and honest fellow who falls in love with TRACY. Baritone. "HIGH SOCIETY"

UNCLE WILLIEBoth genders60-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Host of Tracy’s pre-wedding ball. Charming and witty with excellent comedic chops. Baritone. "HIGH SOCIETY"

GEORGE KITTREDGEBoth genders30-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. TRACY’s fiancé. Dashingly handsome but not known for his mental prowess. Gullible. Baritone. "HIGH SOCIETY"

SINGERSBoth genders30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent singers to play various ensemble roles and cover principal roles. "HIGH SOCIETY"

ELVIS PRESLEYBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Ten years since he first exploded, seven since they sent him to the Army to be tamed, Elvis is 30 and at a crossroads. The money is still flowing in, the movies are still at the box office, but he’s stopped playing live, stopped releasing ground-breaking records, stopped scaring America’s parents: stopped being that Elvis. Baritone with Elvis stylization. Plays rhythm guitar and bass. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

CHRIS HUTCHINSBoth genders25-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Can’t believe his luck. Accepted into the Beatles’ inner circle – with a perspective no other journalist has – he is driven by the desire to remain at the centre of things. But he is driven too (at times more) by the music-fan’s desire to see the greatest rock n roll show ever come to pass. He’s obsessed with the Beatles, but Elvis is his great love. He feels the band and the King share a unique connection. Baritenor. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

JOHN LENNONBoth genders25-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. There was no bigger Elvis fan growing up, and now no bigger Elvis-sceptic. John is the original rebel, conscious that he’s travelling the same path Elvis took, and anxious that he isn’t derailed, as his one-time hero was. The signs are there. Like Elvis, he’s been isolating himself. Like Elvis, he’s growing tired of the treadmill. Tenor with John Lennon stylization. Plays rhythm guitar. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

PAUL MCCARTNEYBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Being Paul McCartney in the mid-1960s might seem the equivalent of winning the karmic lottery. Genius comes easy to him. But he has another Genius as a best friend, who sometimes doesn’t find things quite as straightforward. That’s when Paul’s other genius – for diplomacy and above all friendship – comes in too. Tenor with Paul McCartney stylization. Plays bass, guitar and keyboard. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

GEORGE HARRISONBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The youngest Beatle, and the quietest, which is not the same as saying the most quiescent. George is as restless as John with the constraints of being Fab, and as ready as John (and Ringo come to that) to seek means of escape, no matter how temporary. But where John lashes out, George turns in. August 1965 sees him on the cusp of his greatest musical and spiritual discoveries. Baritenor with George Harrison stylization. Plays lead guitar. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

RINGO STARRBoth genders25-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The last Beatle in and still at times a little unsure of his place. At other times happy to enjoy the ride, wherever it takes him. Ringo is everybody’s friend, but nobody’s mug. As philosophical in his own way as George, and, in his own way again, as ambitious as Paul: ambitious (as novelist Richard Ford once said of some of his characters) to have the day go a bit better, everybody’s day. Baritone with Ringo Starr stylization. Plays drums. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

PRISCILLA PRESLEYBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. Too young, when they met, to upend her life by moving from her home in Germany to be with Elvis, Priscilla is now 20 and is all-too aware that fairy tales can contain as much shade as light. She lives her life surrounded by Elvis’s entourage – the Memphis Mafia – and (like Ringo) can be made to feel like the last member of the gang to join. But she is beginning to assert herself. And beginning to want to have a bit more fun. Mezzo. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

BRIAN EPSTEINBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A new kind of man and a new kind of manager. Brian is a savvy and sophisticated operator, but primarily he worships the Beatles. Every decision he makes is in service to them. Brian, though, has two things he can never discuss with the boys: his sexuality, and what on earth he is going to do if (make that ‘when’) they decide to stop touring. Baritenor. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

COLONEL TOM PARKERBoth genders55-64 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. An old kind of man and an older kind of manager. Col. Tom Parker learned his trade promoting carnival acts. He sees his job managing Elvis Presley as being no different. Col. Tom is entitled to 50% of Elvis’s earnings, or as he prefers to say, Elvis is entitled to 50% of the Colonel’s! His job is a simple one: to make sure the cash keeps rolling in. Baritenor. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

PAMBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. Chris’s boss at a London music paper, whose job it is to remind him that his dream job is still a job. Pam is aware of a change in the popular music press, readers increasingly want depth over surface, or – put another way – dirt over chit chat. She is, though, still enough of a fan too – just – to give Chris the room and the time to pull off his, and the paper’s greatest, coup. (‘But, Chris, the clock is ticking...’). Mezzo. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

SINGERSBoth genders20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent singers to play various ensemble roles and cover principal roles. Ability to play guitar/bass/drums/keyboard a plus. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

DANCERSBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent dancers who sing to play various ensemble roles and cover principal roles. Ability to play guitar/bass/drums/keyboard a plus. "WHEN ELVIS MET THE BEATLES"

THOMAS ANDREWSBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The Titanic’s designer. A man of quiet strength, with a strong sense of integrity. He serves as the show’s moral guide and intellectual benchmark. Tenor. "TITANIC"

J. BRUCE ISMAYBoth genders40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Owner of the White Star Line. Pompous and detached, with a tendency to become easily irritated when ignored. Baritone. "TITANIC"

CAPTAIN E.J. SMITHBoth genders50-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A fatherly leader, deeply invested in the well-being of his passengers and offering encouragement to his younger officers. Baritone. "TITANIC"

FREDERICK BARRETTBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A Stoker. Muscular and intelligent, he is a man of action who questions the motives behind the decisions of those in power. Tenor. "TITANIC"

HAROLD BRIDEBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Wireless Operator. A shy, socially awkward young man who longs for connection. He finds solace in his telegraph machine, using it to communicate with people across the globe. Baritone. "TITANIC"

WILLIAM MURDOCHBoth genders30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. First Officer. A seasoned officer who should have already been promoted to captain, but he is uncertain about his readiness for the role. Baritone. "TITANIC"

HENRY ETCHESBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Senior Steward. An experienced steward serving the first-class passengers. He may seem overly proper, but his concern for others is genuine. Tenor. "TITANIC"

ISADOR STRAUSBoth genders50-79 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Co-owner of Macy’s department store in New York. Deeply devoted to his wife. Bass/Baritone. "TITANIC"

IDA STRAUSBoth genders50-79 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A devoted wife who refuses to board a lifeboat without her husband. Mezzo-Soprano. "TITANIC"

JIM FARRELLBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. An Irish immigrant in steerage (third class) who seeks a fresh start in America. Has a romantic relationship with Kate McGowan. Baritone. "TITANIC"

KATE MCGOWANBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. An Irish immigrant in steerage (third class). Strong-willed, spirited, and determined. In a romance with Jim Farrell. One of “The Three Kates.” MezzoSoprano. "TITANIC"

KATE MULLINSBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. An Irish immigrant in steerage (third class). One of “The Three Kates.” Alto. "TITANIC"

KATE MURPHEYBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. An Irish immigrant in steerage (third class). One of “The Three Kates.” Alto. "TITANIC"

ALICE BEANEBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. Second-class and highly ambitious, with a larger-thanlife personality and a powerful voice. Alto. "TITANIC"

EDGAR BEANEBoth genders30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. More content and less driven than his wife. Baritone. "TITANIC"

CAROLINE NEVILLEBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. A charming young woman, engaged to Charles Clarke, seeking a new beginning. Soprano. "TITANIC"

CHARLES CLARKEBoth genders20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A young journalist, engaged to Caroline Neville, hoping to build a new life in America. Baritone. "TITANIC"

BELLBOYBoth genders18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting, 18+ to play teens. A member of the crew responsible for assisting passengers, announcing meals, and supporting the other staff. Tenor. "TITANIC"

SINGERSBoth genders30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Excellent singers to play various ensemble roles and cover principal roles. "TITANIC"

BOB WALLACEBoth genders26-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Easygoing, charming, decent principled man. A major singing star in post-World War II America. He wears his fame easily, but is seeking something more important: a decent, fulfilling life and truelove. While helping his Army unit general regain his dignity, he defines his own life and meets his true love. A superb singer with a crooning style who moves very well. Basic tap is a plus. Baritone. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"

PHIL DAVISBoth genders26-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. The ambitious, go-getting, song-and-dance partner of the team of Wallace and Davis. An irrepressible clown and definite ladies man. He saved BOB’s life during the war and became his partner and engine behind their fabulous success. He has boyish charm and sex appeal. Strong tap and theatre jazz dance needed. A major song-and-dance comic performer. Bari-tenor. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"

BETTY HAYNESBoth genders25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. The sensible responsible half of the up-and-coming song-and-dance team the Haynes Sisters. She has a beautiful, rich singing voice that matches her decent, upstanding principles. She is overprotective of her younger sister and –like BOB– she needs something more. Of course they are ultimately the perfect couple. A major female singer of quiet beauty and charm with a rich chest-mix sound & a soprano extension. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"

JUDY HAYNESBoth genders20-24 y.o.All ethnicities

Female-Presenting. The younger, more ambitious Haynes sister. While wholesome and adorable, she is sexy and flirty–a winning charmer no man can resist. Strong tap and theatre jazz dance needed. A major song-and-dance performer. Chest-mix. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"

RALPH SHELDRAKEBoth genders35-39 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. Former Army buddy of BOB and PHIL’s, now a major television executive with the Ed Sullivan Show. Fast-talking, New York professional. Baritone. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"

GENERAL HENRY WAVERLYBoth genders56-65 y.o.All ethnicities

Male-Presenting. A retired U.S. Army General, adjusting to returning to civilian life in post World War II America. Once a powerful leader now struggles to run an inn in Vermont. He remains a man of great principle and dignity. Beneath his hard, curmudgeon, military exterior, lays a warm compassionate man in need of family and love. Still a handsome, vital man. Non-singing role. "WHITE CHRISTMAS"