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Seeking Talents for 'CATS' Production

Los Altos, CA, United States
ID: 275808Exp: 12/31/2024
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I am casting actors and actresses for a production of CATS. CATS is about the Jellicle Cats.

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53 roles

AdmetusMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Admetus is a friendly Jellicle Cat. Acting, singing, and dancing are required to audition for this role. Males ages 18-25 with a sweet personality and with experience in singing, acting, and dancing are encouraged to audition for this role!

AlonzoMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Alonzo is an experienced dancer and actor and is confident and vain but somewhat uncertain. All males ages 18-25 with dancing, singing, and acting experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

AsparagusMale18-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Asparagus is an elder cat who used to be a theater star. Although Asparagus is an elderly cat, a young actor can still audition and portray this role. All males ages 18-29 with dancing, singing, and acting experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

Bill BaileyMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Bill Bailey is a playful cat who is an experienced acrobat and dancer and who enjoys dancing and performing acrobatics. All males ages 18-21 with dance and acrobatics experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

BombalurinaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Bombalurina is an arrogant and flirty red cat, and is a singer and dancer as well as an actress. All actresses ages 18-25 with an extroverted and confident personality and who are 5’5 or 5’6 are encouraged to audition for this role.

Bustopher JonesMale18-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Bustopher Jones is a fat cat that loves eating and is a singer and an actor. All actors ages 18-29 are encouraged to audition for this role!

CarbuckettyMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Carbucketty is a mischievous cat that enjoys dancing and acrobatics. All actors ages 18-25 with an experience in dancing and acrobatics are encouraged to audition for this role!

CassandraFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Cassandra is a beautiful and elegant brown cat that is an actor and a dancer and who enjoys dancing. All actresses ages 18-25 experienced in acting and dancing are encouraged to audition for this role!

CoricopatMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Coricopat is an intelligent and physic cat whose twin sister is Tantomile and is a dancer and an actor. All actors ages 18-25 with acting and dancing experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

DemeterFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Demeter is an elegant and beautiful gold, black, and white cat who is also a lead singer, dancer, and actress. All actresses ages 18-25 with experience in singing, dancing, and acting are encouraged to audition for this role!

ElectraFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Electra is a quiet and introverted cat and is an actor, singer, and dancer. All actresses ages 18-25 with acting, singing, and dancing experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

EtceteraFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Etcetera is an energetic and playful cat who enjoys dancing and acrobatics. All actresses ages 18-25 who are energetic and upbeat and with dancing and acrobatic experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

ExoticaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Exotica is a quiet and introverted brown cat who also sings and dances. All actresses ages 18-25 with acting, singing, and dancing experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

GenghisMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Genghis is a Siamese cat who appears in “Growltiger’s Last Stand.” All actors with acting, singing, dancing, and preferably stage combat experience are encouraged to audition for this role!

GeorgeMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

George is a cat who is an actor, singer, and a dancer. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role!

GilbertMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Gilbert is a dancing and acrobatic cat who enjoys dancing and acrobatics. All actors ages 18-25 with experience in dancing and acrobatics are encouraged to audition for this role!

GriddleboneFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Griddlebone is a beautiful and elegant white cat who appears in “Growltiger’s Last Stand” and is Growltiger’s girlfriend. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role!

GrizabellaFemale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Grizabella is an elderly cat, although a young actor can still portray her, and is a glamorous and beautiful cat and is an outsider of the Jellicle Tribe. All actress ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role!

GrowltigerMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Growltiger is Griddlebone’s boyfriend and is a pirate cat who is ruthless and rough. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role!

MacavityMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Macavity, the mystery cat, is the main antagonist and a criminal mastermind. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

Mr. MistoffeleesMale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Mr. Mistoffelees is a magical magician cat. All actors ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role.

MunkustrapMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Munkustrap is a main character and a singer and a dancer and an acting cat. All actors ages 18-25 with singing and dancing experience are encouraged to audition.

Old DeuteronomyMale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Old Deuteronomy is an elderly cat and the leader of the Jellicle tribe. All actors ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role.

OliviaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Olivia is an ensemble cat and a singer, dancer, and an actress. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

PlatoBoth genders18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Plato is an ensemble cat and a dancer. All actors ages 18-25 with dancing experience are encouraged to audition for this role.

PouncivalMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Pouncival is a mischievous and energetic and hyperactive cat. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

Rum Tum TuggerMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Rum Tum Tugger is a rockstar cat who is a ladies man, and a singer and a dancer. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

RumpleteazerFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Rumpleteazer is a mischievous and energetic cat, and Mungojerrie’s twin sister. This role has already been casted.

MungojerrieMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Mungojerrie is a playful, energetic, and mischievous cat and Rumpleteazer’s twin brother. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition.

SkimbleshanksFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Skimbleshanks is a railway cat and is a singer and an actor. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

TantomileFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Tantomile is Coricopat’s twin sister. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

TumblebrutusMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Tumblebrutus is playful and energetic and acrobatic kitten, and is a dancer and an acrobat. All actors ages 18-25 with dancing and acrobatics experience are encouraged to audition for this role.

VictorMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Victor is an ensemble cat. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

VictoriaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Victoria is a white cat and a ballet dancer. All actresses ages 18-25 with ballet experience are encouraged to audition for this role.

GrumbuskinMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Grumbuskin is an emsemble cat. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition.

JemimaFemale18-21 y.o.All ethnicities

Jemima is a very empathetic and accepting and compassionate kitten. She is also a singer. All actresses ages 18-21 with an experience in acting and singing are encouraged to audition.

JellylorumFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Jellylorum is a singer who sings alongside Demeter and Bombalurina. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

JennyanydotsFemale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Jennyanydots, a singer and an elderly old gumbie cat, although a young actress can still portray her. All actresses ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role.

MacavityMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Macavity, the mystery cat, is the main antagonist and a criminal mastermind. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

Mr. MistoffeleesMale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Mr. Mistoffelees is a magical magician cat. All actors ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role.

MunkustrapMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Munkustrap is a main character and a singer and a dancer and an acting cat. All actors ages 18-25 with singing and dancing experience are encouraged to audition.

Old DeuteronomyMale25-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Old Deuteronomy is an elderly cat and the leader of the Jellicle tribe. All actors ages 25-29 are encouraged to audition for this role.

OliviaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Olivia is an ensemble cat and a singer, dancer, and an actress. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

PlatoBoth genders18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Plato is an ensemble cat and a dancer. All actors ages 18-25 with dancing experience are encouraged to audition for this role.

PouncivalMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Pouncival is a mischievous and energetic and hyperactive cat. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

Rum Tum TuggerMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Rum Tum Tugger is a rockstar cat who is a ladies man, and a singer and a dancer. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

RumpleteazerFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Rumpleteazer is a mischievous and energetic cat, and Mungojerrie’s twin sister. This role has already been casted.

MungojerrieMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Mungojerrie is a playful, energetic, and mischievous cat and Rumpleteazer’s twin brother. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition.

SkimbleshanksFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Skimbleshanks is a railway cat and is a singer and an actor. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

TantomileFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Tantomile is Coricopat’s twin sister. All actresses ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

TumblebrutusMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Tumblebrutus is playful and energetic and acrobatic kitten, and is a dancer and an acrobat. All actors ages 18-25 with dancing and acrobatics experience are encouraged to audition for this role.

VictorMale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Victor is an ensemble cat. All actors ages 18-25 are encouraged to audition for this role.

VictoriaFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Victoria is a white cat and a ballet dancer. All actresses ages 18-25 with ballet experience are encouraged to audition for this role.