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"Kinky Boots" Musical Needs Performers

Indianapolis, IN, United States
ID: 275554Exp: 1/27/2025

Auditions for "Kinky Boots" show. Searching for cast. Please see the breakdown below. Additional info: Everyone should prepare 16-32 measures of a song that shows their range. Everyone will read. Everyone will do a movement audition. Anyone auditioning for the role of Lola or The Angels will do a Choreo Combination in Heels (bring heels if you have them). Callbacks: January 28th, 2025 6:30pm. Rehearsals will begin on Monday February 3rd, 2025. Performance Dates: May 2,3,4,8,9,10,11,15,16,17,18 with a Preview Performance on May 1st, 2025. If you are interested, please apply.

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18 roles

CHARLIE PRICEMale25-35 y.o.White / Caucasian

Sings C3-B4. A leading man. He is privileged, but likeable-his father owns the shoe factory. He is handsome and loveable, but there is a temper right un- der the skin. Just have a great rock voice, ability to move and be a strong actor.

LOLA/SIMONMale45-55 y.o.African-American

Sings C3-B4 (with on top C) 5'8 and above preferable. An emotionally and physically challenging role. Must have a killer voice with power blues and gospel chops. Strong comedic actor.

LAURENFemale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings B flat 3-F sharp 5. Beautiful, but quirky working class girl who works in the show factory. Funny and smart but has had bad luck with men. Terrific comedic actress.

NICOLAFemale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings B flat 3-F sharp 5. Charlie's girlfriend since school. Sophisticated looks. She is a social climber, driven and uncompromising. She knows what she wants and goes for it. Must have a great pop voice.

DONMale25-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings C3-F4 (must have a strong falsetto to DS for the Finale). Lola's nemesis. Burly hyper-masculine bear of a factory worker. Has a menacing physicality. Least likely to be seen on a runway. Strong actor required.

GEORGEMale46-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings C3-F4, Factory Manager, keeping up traditions. Reserved and tightly would.

ANGELSBoth genders20-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Males (Identifying). Casting six male identifying actors for back-up drag singer/performers to Lola. Must be versatile and terrific singers (with a contemporary pop/rock/R & B belt) and dancers (required to dance in heels). Three Angels sing to C sharp 5 and three to A4. Anyone auditioning for one of the Angels will be required to do a dance call in heels.

TRISHFemale45-55 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings B flat 3-D5. Factory worker who has been there longer than any of the other women. A lot of life experience and a lot of responsibility - this shows in her face. Comedy chops. Must have a strong rock/pop belt.

PATFemale46-55 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings B flat 3-F sharp 5. Officious office manager who will let loose her wild side when allowed. Infatuated with Lola. Must be strong pop/rock soprano.

MAGGIEFemale20-59 y.o.All ethnicities

FEMALE ENSEMBLE: MAGGIE, PRU, MARGE: The women of the ensemble must be excellent pop/rock singers. Ensemble will play factory workers, pub patrons Milan Stage Manager etc. Factory workers would look like real, everyday people and be able to move well.

PRUFemale20-59 y.o.All ethnicities

FEMALE ENSEMBLE: MAGGIE, PRU, MARGE: The women of the ensemble must be excellent pop/rock singers. Ensemble will play factory workers, pub patrons Milan Stage Manager etc. Factory workers would look like real, everyday people and be able to move well.

MARGEFemale20-59 y.o.All ethnicities

FEMALE ENSEMBLE: MAGGIE, PRU, MARGE: The women of the ensemble must be excellent pop/rock singers. Ensemble will play factory workers, pub patrons Milan Stage Manager etc. Factory workers would look like real, everyday people and be able to move well.

MR. PRICEMale55-64 y.o.White / Caucasian

Sings B flat 2-G4. Charlie's father and owner of the shoe factory. Appears in the opening and closing numbers as well as playing a pub patron, factory worker, etc. for the rest of the show. MALE ENSEMBLE.

SIMON SR.Male55-64 y.o.African-American

Sings B flat 2-G4. Lola's father. Appears in the opening and closing numbers as well as playing a delivery man, thug, factory worker etc. for the rest of the show. MALE ENSEMBLE.

HARRYMale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

E3-C4. A contemporary of Charlie's, but his opposite. Harry is successful, self-aware, confident and carefree. Must have a great rock voice. Will also play a factory worker etc. MALE ENSEMBLE.

RICHARD BAILEYMale30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

An overtly attractive and successful man. Will also play a factory worker, pub patron etc. MALE ENSEMBLE.

MATTMale20-59 y.o.All ethnicities

The men of the ensemble must be excellent pop/rock singers. Ensemble will play factory workers, pub patrons, thug etc. Factory workers would look like real, everyday people and be able to move well. MALE ENSEMBLE.

PETEMale20-59 y.o.All ethnicities

The men of the ensemble must be excellent pop/rock singers. Ensemble will play factory workers, pub patrons, thug etc. Factory workers would look like real, everyday people and be able to move well. MALE ENSEMBLE.