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Talent Wanted for Upcoming Singing Audition

Grand Prairie, TX, United States
ID: 269525Exp: 9/11/2024

Casting singers for "Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical". Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Nuncrackers: The Nunsense Christmas Musical is the first “TV Special” taped by the sisters in their convent basement studio for Cable Access. It stars the nuns you love plus Father Virgil and some of Mt. Saint Helen’s most talented students. This show is filled with “Nunsense” humor, some of your favorite carols, a “Secret Santa”, and an uproarious take on Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet. Additional info: Callbacks: Saturday, September 14th (by invitation only) SHOW DATES November 14th (Preview Night) at 8:00 PM; November 15th at 8:00 PM; November 16th at 8:00 PM; November 17th at 2:00 PM; November 22nd at 8:00 PM; November 23rd at 2:00PM & 8:00 PM; November 24th at 2:00 PM (Followed by Strike). ACTOR MUSIC: Please prepare 32 bars of a musical theater song in the style of the show. You may audition with a song from the show. A pianist and Bluetooth speaker will be provided. Please bring music in the correct key and no tracks with backing/guided vocals or acapella Auditions. COLD READ: Cold reads from the script will be done at the callbacks on Saturday, September 14th by invitation only. Sides will be provided when you arrive. MUSIC: Sides will be provided with a callback invitation. DANCE: Dancing will be done at the callbacks on Saturday, September 14th by invitation only, REHEARSALS: Begin Tuesday, September 24th. See the files attached for details. If you are interested, please apply.

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5 roles

SISTER MARY REGINAFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(Reverend Mother) – Mother Superior of the Little Sisters of Hoboken. She tries to be strict and keep order, but things often get out of her control. She grew up in a circus family, and her “showbiz” background and sense of humor always shine through her attempt at creating a tough exterior.

SISTER MARY HUBERTFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Mistress of Novices. She is second in command to Mother Superior. She wanted to be a nun all her life and at times finds it difficult to deal with problems she firmly believes are created by Mother Superior’s ineptness. She is very practical. She and Mother Superior have a healthy and humorous rivalry.

SISTER ROBERT ANNEFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(also voice of the puppet nun, Sister Mary Annette) – A streetwise nun from Brooklyn, New York. She is one tough cookie but has a heart and soul of gold. The students love her because she “speaks their language.” She feels she has real theatrical potential and is constantly frustrated by Reverend Mother’s refusal to let her “star” in the show.

SISTER MARY PAULFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(also known as AMNESIA) was hit on the head with a crucifix and for a long period didn’t remember who she was. Now, everyone knows she is Sister Mary Paul, a country singer who jump-started her recording career as the first nun to appear at the Grand Ole Opry. Even though she has her memory back, she always seems to be a “little vacant” but innocently endearing.

FATHER VIRGIL MANLY TROTTMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Sister Mary Leo’s “real-life” brother. He is a Franciscan Father of Fort Wayne and grew up in the Mississippi Delta where he and his sister were part of the Trott Family Singers. He now has his own radio show, and the sisters invited him to participate in the Christmas program because they knew he could give them pointers on presenting a good show.