Searching Performers for Upcoming Stage Season
Equity actors wanted for the 2024/25 main stage season. See details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: 1. "OH HAPPY DAY" First Rehearsal: August 20, 2024; Previews Begin: September 19, 2024; Opening: September 27, 2024; Closing: October 9, 2022. 2. "EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED" First Rehearsal: January 21, 2025; Spacing Rehearsal: February 7, 2025; Tech Begins: February 8, 2025; Previews Begin: February 13, 2025; Opening: February 21, 2025; Closing: March 9, 2025. SYNOPSIS: The Merchant of Venice missed the point. But whether or not you know Shakespeare of Shylock, this provocative new work plays between the gaps in the classic tale to expose the realities of Jewish history. Sarah Mantell’s time-bending story, rich with humor and heartbreak, bridges the 16th century with today and beyond. What do we lose or gain by leaving our own culture? And what sacrifices does love demand of fathers and daughters, lovers and friends? Everything That Never Happened is a play about disguise, assimilation, pomegranates, and everything Shakespeare left out. 3. "AKEELAH AND THE BEE" First Rehearsal: February 25, 2025; Tech Begins: March 15, 2025; Previews Begins: March 20, 2025; Opening: March 28, 2025; Closing: April 13, 2025. 4. "JOHN WILKES BOOTH: ONE NIGHT ONLY" First Rehearsal: April 15, 2025; Tech Begins: May 8, 2025; Previews Begin: May 15, 2025; Opening: May 23, 2025; Closing: June 15, 2025. Rate: LORT Non-Rep $1100 weekly minimum (LORT B). Additional info: Please prepare a 2-minute monologue. Please bring a headshot and resume stapled together. If you are interested, please apply.
33 roles
“OH HAPPY DAY” A beautiful, fun, yet bruised spirit.
“OH HAPPY DAY” Strong father to Trina and Keyshawn, Grandfather of Kevin. Strict but witty and full of love. His eyes have seen the worst of this world.
“OH HAPPY DAY” Strong single mother. Hard exterior with an interior full of light that can’t help but shine through. The unfiltered Daughter of Lewis.
“EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED” Drop what you know about the way most people play Shakespeare ’s Shylock from your mind. This Shylock is wry, funny, perceptive, deeply intelligent, but with his own blind spots and limitations. He is essentially lonely, but he loves and has an enormous amount of respect for his daughter. He also carries a big well of shame and internalized anti-semitism, but is striving for humility and humanity in the most difficult of circumstances.
“EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED” She is in every way not an ingénue. She is a strong person with a smart business sense, despite the fact that we see her at her most careless, her most bold, and her most stricken—meaning, her most in love, and therefore her most vulnerable. She’s a person discovering a big wide world opening up with Lorenzo, and she doesn’t stop to think about what she’ll have to give up to get to that other place.
“EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED” Young, eager, passionate, with an innocent cockiness, his own sense of integrity, and big appetite for life. He lives in a world of privilege, so is generally unaware of others’ privations. He falls in love with Jessica because she is so strong and uncontained, he is awed by her bigness. And then the given circumstances of achieving her love require bravery and a kind of cunning that is new territory for him.
“EVERYTHING THAT NEVER HAPPENED” (Gobbo is a trans man but should appear to us to be female at the start of the play. Our understanding of his gender should grow as the play goes). Gobbo is the servant in Shylock’s house and Jessica’s avid protector. They are funny and fun, wry and dry, ultimately a truth teller. There is a kind of wisdom that looks out of their eyes because they’ve seen it all, because they are extremely intelligent but have to be subservient.
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (Akeelah’s Mother)
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (Akeelah’s spelling bee coach/teacher)
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (1st floor Neighbor, also plays State pronouncer)
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (building Super, also plays Principal Welch)
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (neighbor, also plays DJ Rule, district judge, National TV announcer)
“AKEELAH AND THE BEE” (also plays State Bee Judge, national Pronouncer)
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” A prompter and amateur actor.
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” (Belgian accent). Confederate agent.
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” John Wilkes’ older sister.
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” (British Accent).
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” Conspirator.
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” Actor, John Wilkes’ older brother.
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” (British accent).
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” (Southern Accent).
“JOHN WILKES BOOTH” (German Accent).