Hiring Actors for Rem Commercial
ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. The company is seeking talent for Rem commercial. See the details below. Rate: FITTING: $300 per 3 hours max. SESSION: $500 per 8 hour session USAGE: $1000. Guaranteed. Additional info: Location: Austin, Texas No travel paid. Locals to area only Austin Fitting: April 8 Austin shoot date: April 9-10 Multiple shoot days not guaranteed Looking for interesting features & unique personal style, freckles, braces, etc are a plus! An interest in art/photography is a plus! When applying, please send a picture and contact.
11 roles
Looking for real families with parents, grandparents, and kids age 18+
Looking for people who have a mobile disability and/or use a wheelchair, prosthetics or walking aids.
Looking for people who are blind or have low/impaired vision, who use braille and tactile graphic displays, and/or people who use a service dog or cane.
Looking for people who are deaf or hard of hearing and who communicate using sign language and assistive devices such as hearing aids.