Performers Needed for "Three Sisters" Show
The company is holding auditions for Anton Chekhov's "Three Sisters", please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: Three sisters, Olga, Masha, and Irina, live in a provincial town in Russia with their brother Andrey, but dream of returning home to Moscow, which they were forced to leave 11 years prior. With the passing of their father occurring just 1 year before the play begins, these childlike adults have been left directionless without his military rigor and enforced structure that they had grown accustomed to. Their lives are filled with a strange cast of characters from lifelong friends to new lovers, many of whom fancy themselves as kinds of philosophers. All 4 siblings begin the play with an idealistic vision of what their life could look like, but over several years, their paths wander further and further from what they envisioned for themselves. Rate: $150 stipend Additional info: Callbacks: April 26th, 10 am - 6 pm Rehearsals: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 7-10 pm, from June 11th - August 6th Performance dates: Thursday - Sunday at 7:30 pm, August 7th - August 17th Material To Prepare: 1-minute heightened language monologue, preferably comedic. Please apply if interested.
12 roles
Thin, femme presenting. A teacher. The oldest of the three sisters. She works hard and life has made her tired, but she continues to be an agreeable, pragmatic, and kind woman. She is more of a realist than her sisters, but dreams of returning to Moscow just the same.
An ingenue. The youngest of the three sisters, constantly crying. Irina has big dreams for her life and is a naive idealist who cries often. Her earnestness draws the men in her life to her, but she wishes to form her own identity. She is self-centered, but not malicious. Eventually agrees to marry Tuzenbakh, although she does not love him.
Slightly overweight. A quiet intellectual. (ideally seeking an actor who can play the violin) The only brother of his three sisters. He begins the play quite reserved, and continues through the years with a visible dissatisfaction. After his father's passing, his role as "the man of the house" forces him into an unwanted position of power within his family. He marries Natasha and quickly becomes subservient to her.
An army commander. Enjoys the sound of his own voice, and assumes others do as well. Arguably charming. Remembered by the girls from their childhood as "the lovesick major", he is now married with children. Despite this, he often complains about his mentally ill wife and he and Masha begin a passionate and poorly hidden love affair.
A housewife. Beginning the play very awkward and shy, she is made fun of by Andrey's sisters for her lack of fashion sense. Once she marries Andrey, she quickly takes dominion over the household as a form of revenge against the girls. As she enjoys this power and becomes increasingly selfish, she begins to have an affair with Protopopov, her husband's employer.
Not particularly handsome. An army lieutenant. (Ideally seeking an actor who can play the piano) A genuine and kind man who is in love with Irina. Similarly to her, he is a bit of an idealist and is willing to do anything possible to win her over, which he eventually does. At the end of the play he is challenged to a duel by Solyony, and killed.
A teacher. (Must be willing to shave facial hair and wear a false mustache) Masha's husband, even-tempered enough to handle her dramatic moods confidently. He is extremely loyal to his wife and has a strong and quirky positivity about him. Unlike many of the other characters in the play, he seems to be satisfied with his lot in life and does not strive for more.
A doctor. A lifelong friend of the Prozorov family, and a father figure to the siblings. Frequently speaks of how in love with their deceased mother he was, and still is. He often provides comedic relief to the play, going off on strange tangents and singing. Much of his humor comes from his own admission of having forgotten the skills of his profession, which is what makes him tragic as well.
An army captain. A strange and rude man, but also socially awkward and desperately trying to fit in, despite his inherent shyness. Has a nervous, compulsive habit of covering his hands in cologne. He is in love with Irina, but he frequently makes her uncomfortable with his crudeness. Out of anger, he challenges Tuzenbakh to a duel over her, and kills him.
Former nurse. Although a beloved (and sassy) member of the household on retainer, she is increasingly unable to work and faces threats of being fired from Natasha. Eventually, Olga takes her in to keep her from being thrown out on the streets.
A sub-lieutenant. An eager young man who enjoys amateur photography. Frequently photographs the Prozorov sisters. May double as Farapoint.
A door-keeper. A friend of the family who works at the local council. He is hard of hearing but does not realize it. He appears to be losing his wits, as he often spouts off unprompted facts, typically about Russia. May double as Fedotik.