Babies and Parents Wanted For Paid National Brand Shoot
ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. The company is seeking babies and parents for a national brand shoot. See the details below. Rate: ADULT MODEL TALENT RATE: $1,200.00 - 20% agency fee INFANT/TODDLER MODEL TALENT RATE: 0YRS-2.5YRS OLD: $250.00 - 20% agency fee Additional info: Scheduled shoot date: Week of April 14-18th and April 21-25th (if selected more than likely will only need you one possible 2 days, BUT NEED FULL AVAILABILITY) All talent MUST be available the week of 4/14 and 4/21 AND a potential Fit2Child date of 4/1. Usage terms: Global in perpetuity 4 Years GLOBAL (physical product packaging and marketing materials are used throughout the internet and all online platforms including but not limited to all social media platforms, television, and radio) Location: Atlanta, GA When applying, please follow the photo instructions: Only need full body shots, if you want to do a collage then one pic has to be full body and the other can be a headshot, make sure the picture is not far away but close up so we can see the talent clearly. Please make sure talent is looking directly at the camera with a great smile. There is no live casting. Your photos will be the casting, so please make sure they are good and clear, AND EXACTLY WHAT THE TALENT CURRENTLY LOOKS LIKE Deadline to submit: Tuesday 3/25 by 12pm
1 role
Car seats: 0-4m old under 12lbs, and under 25in High Chairs: approximately 2-3m old and up to 15lbs Swings: 0-3m old under 15lbs and under 25in