Voice Job in "DoubleShake" Production
The upcoming "‘DoubleShake’ " an indie 2.5D Action-Platformer game is now looking to cast voice-over artists. Please see the details below. Additional info: This project will likely be recorded remotely. This public casting call will last two weeks, and the cut-off will be Wednesday the 26th of March at 5PM UK-time. There will be no extensions or exceptions to the deadline! See the attachment for details. When applying, please record all audition sides with a maximum of three takes, export as a single WAV file per character (set to 24-bit, 48kHz) with the name ‘YOURNAME_CHARACTER.wav’. Keep all files RAW and peaks between -12 to -6 dB. The WAV file type and audio specs are non-negotiable! Talent will be asked to list their recording equipment and pass audio checks! With the subject ‘DoubleShake - YOUR NAME - CHARACTER Audition’ before the deadline.
10 roles
The protagonist and player character of ‘DoubleShake’! Loam is a feisty, tomboy-ish girl living a quiet, carefree life in the Caliko Archipelago. As a half-Caliko, Loam operates in her own cat-minded world filled with energy, emotion, and mischief.
Loam’s best friend and the deuteragonist of ‘DoubleShake’! A being of pure kindness and joy, Dinx originally came from the mainland to the Archipelago on an internship, where she raised and cared for Catki. She’s since fallen in love with the local culture and its people, and frequently visits to explore the islands, and spend as much time as possible with Loam. Dinx’s passion for photography makes her the perfect companion on Loam’s adventure, ‘saving’ all their memories whenever Loam needs!
An accomplished theoretical physicist, currently on the Caliko Archipelago in search of answers. Answers to what, you ask? Well… He’d explain it, but you wouldn’t understand. One of the game’s mentor figures, Jay offers Loam advice and guidance for navigating major plot beats that involve threats of cosmic proportions. Jay works for an organization that oversees the integrity of space-time, and when a certain threat appears, Jay enlists Loam’s help in dealing with it.
The keeper of the seven lighthouses that protect the Caliko Archipelago from the forces of evil. Unfortunately… She’s not very good at it. After her disastrous, calamitous oversight plunges the world into a crisis that may spell its end, Kehlani assists Loam on her adventure with advice and guidance, which may or may not be helpful. A bit scatterbrained and lacking a serious bone anywhere in her body, it’s hard to understand just what Kehlani’s ‘deal’ is But perhaps she means to keep it that way
A pompous rich boy with a giant mech and an ego to match, and Loam’s self-imposed rival. Grime considers himself a hero and a champion, mobbed by swarms of adoring fans and his entourage of goblinoid manservants. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth and raised like a prince, Grime’s inability to comprehend the word ‘no’ is challenged when he comes across Loam, who doesn’t tolerate any of his B.S. from the get-go.
A strange creature and ally to Bullyrag. Regalia is an ‘Eidol’, a special kind of golem that possesses sentience and their own personality. Eidols have long since outlived their original creators, and have joined society as their own breed of individuals. Regalia, in particular, was designed to be a snuggly companion to her creator — made of fabric and filled to the brim with soft stuffing. But despite her soft, plush form, Regalia turned out rather cold and sharp.
A member of the Pyriri, a race of dragon people that have settled in the Caliko Archipelago’s local volcano. A far shot from the rest of her people, Habiniri is… overly sociable, to put it politely. She often fraternizes and mixes with the locals, learning about Caliko culture and indulging in new, delicious food! But with all her running around and getting herself in trouble all over the islands, one can’t help but wonder… What is she running from?
An ancient sorceress from another dimension, with a long, dark past. With a sinister veneer and having outgrown her compassion and care for others centuries ago, Mjaga spends her days toying with ‘lesser’ mortals to appease her jaded days. Mjaga has lived a long, long time, and has loved and lost too much for her to keep trying anymore. She’s made her mistakes and carries more regret and burden than anyone should.
Admiral of the Hitchhiker Heights hotel, the greatest flying hotel to ever sail the skies! Anannd and her crew (composed of her own daughters) belong to a race of witch-like beings known as the Wecks. She keeps her hotel in ship shape at all times, and her crew is like a well-oiled machine, always on the same wavelength! …In fact, it’s almost like they share the same mind… But that couldn’t be true, right? …Right?
The ultimate. The endless. The nothing and the silence. The embodiment of evil and corruption in all its forms. Whether Millennium was ever anything other than the eldritch horror it is now, it has been corrupted beyond all recognition by chaos and darkness. Haunted by its own past and awed by its calamitous destiny, Millennium now seeks to escape its prison and destroy reality itself. And all that stands between Millennium and the end of the universe… is Loam.