Talents Needed for 'Best Served Cold' Short
After an unsuccessful last heist, a misfit crew of robbers sets out to plan the heist of a lifetime: robbing an ice cream store. Dennis, the nervous leader, seeks redemption after the group's failed last heist. Shelly, the level headed glue of the group, tries to keep everyone grounded as tempers flare, while Charlie, the odd one out, tries to prove his worth by any means necessary. All while Brick, the hotheaded muscle of the group, tries to subvert Dennis' spot as the leader. As tensions rise, the group's cracks begin to show and the viability of the heist comes into question.
4 roles
Dennis is a soft spoken, insecure man in his late 20's. He has a slim frame that matches his demeanor. He is not a natural leader, but finds himself in leadership positions repeatedly. Due to a past mistake, he is hungry for redemption and will do whatever it takes to achieve it. His first instinct is to sit back and let others make the decisions, but as the story progresses, he learns to find his voice.
Shelly is a quiet but intelligent woman in her mid to late 20's. She has an average build and height. Her greatest strength is her intelligence, although she isn't quick to show it off. She has a hard outer shell but cares deeply about those close to her. She is observant, analytical and efficent.
Brick is a braggadocios male in his 30's who craves external validation. He has a large, muscular build and is above average for height. He is all bark and no bite, lacks emotional intelligence, and craves power. He believes his way is the only way, and is excited to challenge anyone who disagrees. As the story progresses, he learns to accept his role and the skills he brings to the team.
Charlie is a conniving maverick, held in check by his need to be liked. He has an average build and height. He is very technically skilled but lacks social awareness, causing him to be the odd man out most of the time. In an attempt to fix this, he tends to overcompensate and bring more to the table than is needed.