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Casting Actors for 2025-26 Theater Season

Washington, DC, United States
ID: 281519Exp: 3/25/2025

Performers needed for the 2025-26 Theater Season. See the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: SPT $761 weekly minimum (SPT 8) About the project: 1. "AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" First Rehearsal: 9/30/25 Performances: October 29, 2025 through November 23, 2025 Performance Schedule: Wednesday at 12, Thursday at 7:30, Friday at 7:30, Saturday at 2 and 7:30, Sunday at 2 and 7:30 SYNOPSIS: In a close-knit community, the Doctor for a local health resort discovers that the operation’s water source is contaminated. If revealed, the truth will cost those in power a fortune, and change many lives, including his own family's, for the worse. After jumping at the chance to get the word out and demand action, the Doctor is placed in an awkward position in the face of public fury. 2. "CHANUKAH IN THE DARK" First Rehearsal: Wednesday, November 5 Performances: 12/6/25 – 12/ 21/25 Performance Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 12pm, Saturday & Sunday at 11am & 3pm SYNOPSIS: Chanukah is the holiday Max loves most, and Max's grandparents always make it special. This year, an ice storm knocks out power in the neighborhood, and suddenly, what was a joyous holiday of latkes and family movies is launched into darkness. How will this family find a new way to celebrate Chanukah in the dark? A holiday story with songs. 3. "BIRTHRIGHT" First Rehearsal: 2/10/25 Performances: 03/16/26-04/5/25 Performance Schedule: Wednesday at 12 and 7:30, Thursday at 8:00, Saturday at 2 and 8, Sunday at 2 and 8 SYNOPSIS: It’s summer, 2006, a group of six young American Jews, fresh out of college, meet on a Birthright Israel trip and become fast friends. They have all returned from the trip with a new commitment to their Jewish identity, to Israel, and to each other. As such, they briefly occupy a totally shared sense of reality; at the last moment of the 21st century, this was still possible. In 2007, Facebook comes online, the iPhone gets released and the ability of these friends – or anyone – to exist in a shared reality begins to fray. Additional info: Please prepare two contrasting contemporary monologues of no more than 3-minutes total. Please bring your stapled picture and resume. To be considered, please apply.

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18 roles

Dr Thomas StockmannMale40-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" An earnest, passionate, a man of science – employed by his brother as the Medical Director of the Baths. Discovers a toxic secret that threatens the health of his entire community. An idealist, he is eager to connect with new ideas and do what’s right, but also no stranger to impulsivity.

Petra StockmannFemale20-24 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" Thomas’ daughter, a schoolteacher. Bright, quick and self-confident, a little rebellious.

Peter StockmannMale40-59 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" The stiff and discerning Mayor of the town, and also Thomas’s brother and employer at the baths. Practical and calculating, always in control of himself and others, he is frustrated by his brother's disregard for politics.

HovstadMale30-39 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" The dynamic publisher of a liberal paper – he’s charismatic, wry, and enjoys needling authority. Comes from a lower-class background and worked his way up. At first proclaims his duty to the truth but ultimately acts on the best interests of his business.

BillingMale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" Extroverted, mischievous. Works for Hovstad at the People’s Messenger.

AslaksenMale50-69 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" Chair of the Property Owners’ Association, and the printer for the paper. His political interests span multiple demographics – tradesman, property owners and he’s also a member of temperance society. As someone allied with both the common people and wealthy stakeholders, he is cautious; interested in progress, but wary of drastic action.

Captain HorsterMale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" A ships captain, and friend of Doctor Stockmann. Accustomed to hard work at sea, his view of the world. Deeply shy, easily embarrassed, but genuinely kind.

Morten KiilMale40-70 y.o.All ethnicities

"AN ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" Thomas’s father-in-law, owner of the tannery contaminating the water for the Baths. Gruff and to the point, he has a bad history with the town council. He is discreet about his wealth.

MAXBoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

"CHANUKAH IN THE DARK" An intelligent and imaginative 10-year-old.

SASHABoth genders20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

"CHANUKAH IN THE DARK" A college student. Artistic and warm. Would do anything for Max.

GRANDMA (AKA Shirley)Female18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

"CHANUKAH IN THE DARK" A very hip grandma. She has an earthy quality. When she was younger, she was a folk rock singer, but gave all that up to be a teacher and moved from New York to Minnesota.

GRANDPA (AKA Sam)Male18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

"CHANUKAH IN THE DARK" Little nerdy but also hip in his own way. Not particularly spiritual but likes secular Judaism. Enjoys his own sense of humor and has a playful quality for an adult. The perfect match for grandma.

ISABELLAFemale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" In search of justice

NOAHMale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" In search of understanding

EMERSONMale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" In search of serenity

ALONAFemale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" In search of home

LEVMale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" In search of meaning

DEBORAHFemale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

"STORIES FROM THE BRINK" Chaya’s mother, what’s with all the searching?