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Audition For Singing in "American Psycho"

Houston, TX, United States
ID: 281373Exp: 4/4/2025

Searching for performers to audition for the "American Psycho" musical. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. About the project: Based on the electrifying novel by Bret Easton Ellis and set in the epicenter of excess: 1980s Manhattan, this musical tells the story of Patrick Bateman, a young and handsome Wall Street banker with impeccable taste and unquenchable desires. Patrick and his elite group of friends spend their days in chic restaurants, exclusive clubs and designer labels. But at night, Patrick takes part in a darker indulgence, and his mask of sanity is starting to slip. Rate: AEA LORT D $839 weekly minimum (agreement pending) NON UNION $600 weekly Additional info: Please submit self-tapes no later than Friday, April 4, 2025. Please prepare a brief 1980s-style pop/rock song, showing range. You may sing from the show or choose a song of your own. Please also include a slate, full body shot, and copy of your headshot/ resume. First Rehearsal: August 4, 2025 Performances: September 2-14, 2025 If interested, please apply.

16 roles

PATRICK BATEMANMale24-28 y.o.All ethnicities

Our narrator. Immaculate, well-groomed, always has the best clothes, the best furniture, the best of everything. Treats and sculpts his body to Calvin Klein ad perfection which he simultaneously takes pride in and resents. Was raised in great privilege, making him hyper-entitled, but he often struggles with what he sees as a decaying society around him, coupling his sense of self-importance with self-disgust. Has a dark sense of humor and very dark fantasies. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

JEANFemale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick's secretary. Compassionate and caring, which feels almost alien in this world. Always looking for connection. The only person who Patrick feels truly understands him. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

PAUL OWENMale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Immaculate. Classy. Self-assured. Could be a GQ cover boy. Ivy League educated. Raised in privilege. Entitled but aware of it. Patrick's more successful colleague and can never remember who Patrick is since he is no threat. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

PATRICK’S MOTHER/ MRS. WOLFE/ SVETLANAFemale50-59 y.o.All ethnicities

To play Mrs. Bateman— Patrick’s wealthy, simultaneously judgmental, supportive, and disappointed, mother; Mrs. Wolfe—a real estate agent; and Svetlana— a Russian dry cleaner. All three women are hyper aware of how they present themselves to the world physically and armor themselves accordingly. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

EVELYN WILLIAMSFemale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick's “trophy girlfriend.” Raised in wealth. Knows how to wield power in the materialistic, entitled, perfectly groomed, circles she travels in but often resents it and longs for something more real. Knows she deserves a more true, unconditional love, than Patrick can offer, but the rules of the world she lives in, demanding a perfect appearing partner, wedding, and marriage, makes her stay. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

TIM PRICEMale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick's best friend. Ivy League educated. Raised in privilege. Has all he could want but longs for something more that he can’t articulate, which can unleash an anger and negativity in him that he doesn’t quite understand. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

LUIS CARRUTHERSMale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick's co-worker. Always feels like he’s not quite up to snuff with his coworkers and friends. Has different tastes in music and clothes than them. Always taking stock of himself to see if he is living up to the culture’s definition of what it means to be ‘masculine.’ Dating a woman but secretly in love with Patrick. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

DETECTIVE KIMBALL/ HOMELESS MANMale40-59 y.o.All ethnicities

Private Detective investigating Paul Owen's disappearance. Direct. Suspicious. Very good at his job. Al was once very successful but fell through the cracks like so many others. Singing a plus but not necessary for this role.

COURTNEY LAWRENCEFemale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Ivy League. Smartest in her class but hit that ever present glass ceiling and resents it, which fuels her need to be perfect in every way. Dating Luis who she loves but also knows deep down is gay. Secretly sleeping with Patrick to satiate herself sexually. The affair also allows herself to walk a very fine self-destructive line since he dates her best friend; a part of her wants her entire life, that she hates too often, to go up in flames. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

CRAIG MCDERMOTT/ ATM/ TOM CRUISEMale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Good-looking. Patrick's co-worker. Born to wealth. Ivy League educated but he was a legacy admission, which has made him hard, needing to prove to himself that he belongs, making him obsessed with his physical appearance and acquiring material things. This armor makes him brutal especially toward women.Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

DAVID VAN PATTENMale23-27 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick's co-worker. Hyper focused on looking, acting, sounding, being, like the ultra-successful, fit, self-obsessed, chauvinistic, men in his business and social circle. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

SEAN BATEMAN/ DOORMAN/ DORSIA HOSTMale20-24 y.o.All ethnicities

Patrick’s younger brother, a writer, just out of college. Has been given everything on a silver play. Tries to fight against that by being a writer but can’t let go of the privilege. Resents and is jealous of his brother. Strong mover. Strong pop/rock voice.

SABRINA/ VIDEO STORE CLERKFemale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

A sex worker. Does what she needs to survive. Always has been able to take care of herself and protect herself. Strong dancer. Strong pop/rock voice.


A sex worker. Knows the ropes, but too trusting. Strong dancer. Strong pop/rock voice.

VICTORIA/ HARDBODY BARTENDERFemale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

To play Victoria—Patrick’s neighbor from his building. Inherited money. Well educated. Wants the world to be a better place. Wants to be a “good neighbor.” Strong dancer. Strong pop/rock voice.

VANDENFemale20-24 y.o.All ethnicities

A club kid. Very “of the moment.” Strong dancer. Strong pop/rock voice.