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Performers Wanted for "Mousetrap" Show

Greensburg, PA, United States
ID: 281118Exp: 3/17/2025

The company is holding auditions for "Mousetrap" show, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: After a local woman is murdered, the guests and staff at Monkswell Manor find themselves stranded during a snowstorm. It soon becomes clear that the killer is among them, and the seven strangers grow increasingly suspicious of one another. A police detective, arriving on skis, interrogates the suspects: the newlyweds running the house; a spinster with a curious background; an architect who seems better equipped to be a chef; a retired Army major; a strange little man who claims his car has overturned in a drift; and a jurist who makes life miserable for everyone. When a second murder takes place, tensions and fears escalate. Additional info: Auditions consist of cold reads and scenes from the script Show dates are May 16-18 2025 Please apply if interested.

9 roles

Mollie RalstonFemale20-34 y.o.All ethnicities

New owner/hostess of Monkswell Manor; anxious about hosting the inn's first guests; married to Giles for one year.

Giles RalstonMale20-34 y.o.All ethnicities

Owns Monkswell Manor with his wife Mollie; somewhat arrogant and jealous of the other guests' attentions toward Mollie.

Christopher WrenMale20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

The first guest to arrive at the hotel, Wren is a hyperactive young man who acts in a very peculiar manner. Wren claims to have been named after the architect of the same name by his parents.

Mrs. BoyleFemale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Mrs. Boyle is an imposing woman in a bad temper; she complains about everything. She is disapproving of every effort that Mollie and Giles produce to make her comfortable.

Major MetcalfMale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Major Metcalf is middle-aged, square-shouldered, military in manner and bearing. He is friendly and very polite, and serves as a good counter to Mrs. Boyle during the play’s first act.

Miss CasewellFemale20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

A strange, aloof, somewhat masculine woman who speaks offhandedly about the horrific experiences of her childhood.

Mr. ParaviciniMale30-59 y.o.All ethnicities

A man of unknown provenance who turns up claiming his car has overturned in a snowdrift. He appears to be affecting a foreign accent and artificially aged with make-up.

Sgt. TrotterMale26-44 y.o.All ethnicities

Detective Sergeant Trotter is a cheerful, common-place man who arrives at the guest house on skis to investigate a local murder.

Radio AnnouncerMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Voice only; reads BBC News reports on local murder.