Voice Acting Talent For Student Animated Short
Two Anti-Cupid Besties have a freelance business breaking up human couples. Getting the bills paid is sometimes a struggle in their line of work, but in the end, with the power of friendship, they always get that bag! THEMES: Love/Avoidance, Consumerism/Hustle Culture, Absurdity/Young Adult Comedy Please send self tape (voice recording) of sides as found below with submissions, thank you!
2 roles
The “big sister” of Breakup For Hire, Val is a meddlesome little diva. She may be blunt and tough around the edges but she is also fiercely protective. A bad bitch to her core while also being Moony’s biggest cheerleader. Val keeps the business afloat in hard times and offers the more practical perspective to their impractical lives. She gets the job done by any means necessary, and always looks cute doing it!
The natural scientist of Breakup For Hire, Moony is a passionate student of all things human nature. Although dedicated to a truer understanding of love, Moony’ s common sense sometimes misleads her and can get her in trouble out in the world. Led by emotion and curiosity, this little freak of nature goes with the flow, and is always sure to take notes along the way.