Extras Wanted for "Emancipation of the Past" Feature Film
Casting Extras for "Emancipation of the Past" Feature FIlm, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Non-Paid/IMDB Credit/ footage for a reel payment discussed at the audition. Additional info: Genre: Drama Location: Raleigh, Durham, Clayton, Greensboro Project Format: MP4 Posted on: Youtube, Vinemo, DVD Shoot Dates: Production starts March 1st Production Ends March 30th Days OFF during Filming When applying, please include your Resumes, headshots, and Reels.
3 roles
March 1: wedding and funeral scenes guests Wedding: dress in something you would wear to a wedding burgundy or gold or yellow would be awesome
March 8th - hospital scene patients and or background nurses/ doctors -scrubs -hosptial gowns - everyday clothes
March 22- restaurant scene- everyday clothing your choice this is between breakfast and lunch rushes