Casting Call for "Boozer Loser" Independent Film
Actors needed for "Boozer Loser" independent film. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: A bar owner facing financial collapse must challenge sobriety and fate before fortune ensues. Genre: Dark Comedy/Noir. Rate: Paid. Additional info: Location: Amarillo, TX; Accepting taped submissions from now til 4/20/25; Filming late May 2025. See the attachment for details. When applying, please send your headshot, resume, and/or reels, or list your experience ( theatre/other), IMDB link, to request sides to (limit 3) ( please specify which character sides)
12 roles
Primary role. An imposing demeanor, he is a man who does not play by the rules and presents himself as superior to others. Morally troubled, he feels the need to abuse power to maintain control of any situation. A loyalist only to himself, he is a man rarely persuaded. Complex. Intolerant. Devoid of emotion. He’s a disturbed cop with a checkered past, conveniently working both sides of the badge for personal gain.
Primary role. A temptress of a woman with a penchant for mischief, and an eye for promiscuity. Attractive. Streetwise. Deceptive. Evil. Unable to control her demons, she’ll do whatever it takes to enrich herself….even if it requires murder.
Primary role. Righteous and cunning, she’s a vulture of a woman seeking maximum assets from a bitter divorce. Asset hound. Charity case. Completely self-driven, her pretentious exterior only hides what no one sees.
Primary role. A journalists, she’s the warm and friendly, “on camera”community-oriented speaker. Pleasant. Intelligent. Well-spoken. Self-driven, her sole mission is to hunt out the next big story for broadcast.
Primary role. Comfortable in his own skin, he is a man of dignity and mental-strength. Articulate. Good-looking. Intellectual. Compassionate. Fearless. At any circumstance he will maintain control of his demeanor while upholding law and order.
Primary role. He’s a nebbish, slip and fall attorney and it shows at first glance. Litigious by nature, his character only reflects the truth of what a fearful and vulnerability man he is. Knowledgeable. Insecure. Dubious. Attention-deprived. If there’s a frivolous lawsuit to be had don’t wait, call Alan today!
Secondary Role. Euro-Italian features. Stout and deadly, he is a man not to cross when tempers flare. Think Al Capone. Calm. Relaxed. Explosive. Deadly.
Secondary Role. Business-savvy crime lord with an imposing demeanor. He’s charming but dangerous with dominant presence. Large, heavy, overweight and deadly.
Secondary Role. A fresh face with a quirky edge. Warm, grounded, and beautiful. Against the odds, she has integrity to deliver the goods for the better of all.
Secondary Role. A kind-hearted soul who resonates truth and wisdom. No nonsense is his only rule to abide.
Secondary Role. A shadowy individual of a man with a tainted history to reckon. Rugged. Relentless. Tenacious. Stupid. Always on the run, he seeks constant criminal enterprise that delivers a fast cash payout.
Unpaid Extra/Background Roles - will be cast locally