Film Job for Actors in Student Movie
"Two-Way" capstone short film casting actors. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See more info below. About the project: Log Line: In one last desperate attempt at fame and to live up to his father, an ambitious college professor performs an experiment in front of some of his students with a two-way mirror to create a ghostly halo effect around himself on stage. The experiment appears to work until it does not. Rate: Non-paid. Meals, film credit, copy of film, extra footage for reels. Additional info: Non-Union. Production date: 04/19/2025 All shooting will take place in one day, there will be no makeup days/times scheduled. Please see the document attached. If you are interested, please apply.
6 roles
A fifty-something College Drama Professor who is driven to invent something to make a name for himself and to live up to his father’s legacy.
The Chair of the Drama department and Dr. J’s boss.
A graduate student who lends his computer and robotic hobbyist skills to assists Dr. J in his experiments.
An undergraduate student who lends his computer and robotic hobbyist skills to assists Dr. J in his experiments. He’s confident, but still follows Jeff’s lead.
Dr. J’s son.
A ghostly appearance of Dr. J’s father.