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Featured and Background Actors for Music Video

Goodlettsville, TN, United States
ID: 279114Exp: 2/16/2025

Featured & background casting call for music video. Looking for talent. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the details below. About the project: Music video - undisclosed artist. Rate: Varies by role - see each role for pay rate for that role. Additional info: MUST be able to work in the NASHVILLE, TN (Goodlettsville) area as a LOCAL HIRE (transportation/accommodation will not be provided) Date needed: Monday 2/24/25 TENTATIVE time frame will be approx 5:00 pm-1:00 am (WILL GO INTO NIGHT!), but you should have FULL day available to allow for whatever the Call Time ends up being. You should be prepared to be available no matter what the start/end times end up being. Non union. When applying, please include ALL of the following (for each person): -First & Last Name -Phone Number -Email Address -Recent Color Photo of you (prefer cell phone photos rather than professional headshots - NO FILTERS!) (for each person you are applying). Please include at least (2) photos and if you have any of you together with your Couple/Partner and/or any of you two-step dancing -Height -Weight -Clothing and Shoe Sizes -Current City/State you are located in -CONFIRM you are fully available on MONDAY 2/24 in Goodlettsville, TN -If applying as a Two-Step Dancer, please briefly describe any two-step experience you have -If applying as a Two-Step Dancer, please include any video you may have of you dancing two-step (helpful but NOT required)

2 roles

TWO-STEP DANCING COUPLESBoth genders20-79 y.o.All ethnicities

Wide variety of REAL Couples or REAL Dance Partners who know how to Two-Step well. (don't have to be professional but you should know what you're doing as a couple and look good doing it or at least be proficient and know how to have a good time!) $150.00 for up to 8 hours. FEATURED BACKGROUND.

BAR PATRONSBoth genders20-79 y.o.All ethnicities

Wide variety of country music lover types who would be comfortable sitting at a bar and having fun. $75.00 for up to 6 hours. BACKGROUND.