Casting Performers for "The Sound Of Music" Show
The company is holding auditions for Rogers & Hammerstein's "The Sound Of Music" show and looking for performers, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. About the project: The final collaboration between Richard Rodgers & Oscar Hammerstein II, The Sound of Music, has become a play beloved around the world. Based on the true story of the Von Trapp Family Singers, this play captures a personal tale of growth and hope amidst the horrors of World War II. The Sound of Music tells the tale of young postulant Maria Rainer, whose free spirit has trouble fitting into the rules and regulations of Nonnberg Abbey. Commissioned by the Mother Abbess to serve as the governess for seven motherless children, Maria transforms the Von Trapp family home from a place of dour rules and regulations to one filled with joy, with laughter, and with music. In the process, Maria wins the hearts of all seven children--and their widower father, Captain Von Trapp. With the Mother Abbess’ blessing, and to the children’s delight, Maria follows her heart, and Maria and the Captain marry. Upon returning home from their honeymoon, Maria and the Captain learn that their beloved Austria has been taken over by the Nazis, and the retired Captain is asked to report for immediate service in the Nazi Navy. When the Nazis show up at their door to take Captain Von Trapp away, it is a family singing engagement (wily navigated by their friend Max) that buys the family time to make their narrow escape. Their Austrian convictions compel Maria, the Captain, and the children to flee over the mountains of Switzerland to safety, taking the words of the Mother Abbess to heart: “Climb Every Mountain… till you find your dream.” Additional info: Call Backs (by invitation only) Wednesday March 19 7pm-10pm(Must attend the entire callback) Please note that diversity is key, and all ethnicities are encouraged to attend the auditions. Rehearsals will begin on Monday March 24th at 7 with the read/sing through and will be M-Thurs from 7-10, under 18 will stay 7-9. Please bring headshot and resume and prepare 16-32 bars of a R&H song, not from The Sound of Music.
17 roles
(musical theatre mix/soprano, dance) A postulant at Nonnberg Abbey – young, free spirited, warm, gentle and kind with much determination. (Ability to play acoustic guitar is a plus)
(baritone, moves well) A retired Austrian naval captain. Polished, yet very military in the way he runs his life to repress his sadness over the death of his wife; underneath, he is warm, understanding, and determined. (Ability to play acoustic guitar is a plus)
(tenor/baritone, moves well) Charming and vital; a man of sophistication who enjoys the good life; true and loyal friend to the von Trapp family.
(mezzo soprano, moves well) A baroness of taste and elegance, sophisticated, dignified and mature.
(legit soprano, wide vocal range, very strong actress) Motherly, understanding, strong and authoritative, but kind.
(alto, moves well) Mistress of Novices, prudish, straight laced with a quick tongue, she is less tolerant than other nuns.
(mezzo, moves well) Mistress of Postulants, very kind, understanding and concerned.
(soprano, moves well) Neither demanding nor critical, sticks with the rules.
(non-singing) The von Trapp butler, rather formal but not without spirit, he is very German and loyal to the Fascist cause.
(non-singing) The housekeeper, stoic, very little personality; she does her job efficiently but without affection. Strong and somewhat dominating.
(mezzo, dance, to play 16) The oldest child, blossoming into a young lady with an interest in boys. She has a maternal edge to her and cares very deeply for her younger siblings.
(to play 14) Tough exterior, very much trying to be “the man” of the family.
(to play 13) Rebellious attitude.
(to play 10, falsetto) Gentle and mischievous.
(to play 9) Smart, reads a lot.
(to play 7) Very sweet and gentle.
(To play 6) Must have the cute factor.