HeyGen's AI Avatar Project
Casting Date and Time Feb 19th, 2025 between 9am-5pm Studio in DTLA. Address will be provided if invited to the casting. We are casting for actors/models for HeyGen Technologies. Talent's likeness will be used to create Ai Avatars on their platform. Your likeness, including your image, voice, and mannerisms, will be used to create a digital avatar. This avatar will be made available on the HeyGen platform where it can be used to generate content in various formats such as video, audio, and other multimedia outputs. If interested please be sure to review the attached talent agreement (you will be required to sign this one, or one similar) and the FAQ. For the casting you will be asked to read from from a teleprompter. Please wear contacts if you need them to see the screen. We will ask castees to convey different emotions while reading.
1 role
We are looking for male and female actors or models in the Los Angeles area that can play a profession role for the AI Avatars we are creating. You will be asked to learn a script and perform on camera either on set or in front of a green screen. You will be asked to convey different emotions, hand gestures and subtle body movements. Please no tattoos on hands, face, neck or that cannot be easily covered with clothing. For the casting and shoot no glasses or jewelry can be worn.