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Seeking Talents for 'Cuddle Buddies' Story

North York, ON, Canada
ID: 278232Exp: 2/14/2025
easy apply

Cuddle Buddies follows the story of Alex, an emotional prostitute (employed by the corporation Cuddle Buddies) and the compromising situation she's put in when she starts developing a relationship with a new client and his kid. Cuddle Buddies.INC is a corporation which revolves around exploiting vulnerable people's needs to make money - it's a service where people can rent a friend or an emotional support companion to do activities with, cuddle, or just talk to. The workers are conditioned to see their clients as means of making money more than human beings but throughout the story, Alex changes her mindset as she meets Darren and his daughter Charlie. Filming is from FEBUARY 21-24TH. For the role of Leah, the Mum, we would coordinate a separate date to take pictures of her and the kid and husband to put around the house (Leah will not be acting in the film). For the roles of Darren or Sasha, please submit an audition side :) Thanks.

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4 roles

DarrenMale40-56 y.o.All ethnicities

DARREN: (MALE, 35-50) Father of Charlie. His wife recently passed away, and he’s grieving her passing. He’s turned to the Cuddle Buddies corporation as a way to try and heal, his way of making himself better for Charlie. He is quite nerdy and also a successful writer.

SashaBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Sasha’s been working at Cuddle Buddies for almost the same amount of time as Alex has. She fights for what she wants, and considers herself a veteran in the business.

Cuddle Buddies Office WorkersBoth genders24-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Cuddle Buddies.INC is a corporation based on "emotional prostitutes" who serve as emotional support for their customers. This is almost disguised as a group of office workers, who spends meetings discussing who will be paired with clients.

LeahFemale35-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Charlie’s recently deceased mother. She’s the sort of person who makes the room light up with her presence – since she’s been gone, the family has been left with a hole in her place. Everyone misses her.