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Singing Audition for "Hadestown" Show

Long Beach, CA, United States
ID: 278225Exp: 2/4/2025

The company is holding auditions for "Hadestown" Show and looking for performers, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Additional info: Callbacks are by invitation only on: Thurs., Feb. 6, 2025 starting at 6pm. Please prepare 16 bars of a contemporary musical theater or folk/pop song in the style of the show but not from the show – please no Jason Robert Brown or Sondheim songs. Bring printed sheet music for live accompanist, karaoke or recorded tracks will not be permitted. Be prepared to take direction and answer questions. Please apply if interested.

7 roles

ORPHEUSMale18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Tenor with strong falsetto, D3-C5. Lyre-playing poet, gifted and naïve. Ability to play guitar or learn is a plus.

EURYDICEFemale18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, F#3-D5. A runaway, tough and vulnerable

HADESMale18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Bass, F2-C#4. Compulsive industrialist, boss-king of Hadestown

PERSEPHONEBoth genders18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Mezzo-Soprano/Alto, F3-C5. Queen of nature and the season, a lush

HERMESMale18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Tenor/Baritone, C3-B4. Charismatic guide and storyteller, mentor to Orpheus.

FATES (3)Female18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano, Alto, E3-D5 (Fate 1 up to Eb5). Three Sisters, vicious and delicious, voices in the head

WORKERS (6-8)Both genders18-19 y.o.All ethnicities

SATB. Spirits of labor and community, a physical choral presence