Paid Feature Film Seeks Swimming Photo Doubles
ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. The company is seeking swimming photo doubles for feature film. See the details below. Rate: Actor hourly rate (no buyout) = $631.25 flat for the 1st 8 hours, $118.50/hour overtime. Additional info: Shoot date: Feb. 6th When applying, please submit: All of the following must be selfies from this week and taken in natural light One front photo, head and shoulder, natural expression - no smile, no hat/sunglasses One side profile One full-length photo + photos of your hands palms down + any photos of tattoos
2 roles
5'6 115lbs Must be strong swimmers. Will need to cannonball into the water (interior/warm) feet first. Looking to match hair/skin tone and sizes/tone. Please be sure to include full-length photos and to detail your swimming experience. Wearing bra/underwear (not revealing)
5'8" 40 chest, 32 waist Must be strong swimmers. Will need to cannonball into the water (interior/warm) feet first. Looking to match hair/skin tone and sizes/tone. Please be sure to include full-length photos and to detail your swimming experience. Will be wearing briefs