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Granda Estrella's Home Shortfilm

Scarborough, ON, Canada
ID: 277671Exp: 1/31/2025
easy apply
online audition

Calling All Filipino Actors! Genre: Heartwarming family drama Logline: At Christmas, a young aspiring astronaut, weighed down by loss and financial struggles, reluctantly cares for his estranged grandmother. Faced with the temptation of a secret box of money, he learns that home lies not in the stars but in the warmth of family. Please email with the following: desired role, headshots, resume, demo reel (if available) Submission Deadline: January 31, 2025

3 roles

EstrellaFemale50-56 y.o.Asian

50 - 75 years old, female identifying, Filipino Wise, resilient, and nurturing grandmother of Gabriel Strict about maintaining order and cleanliness at home Struggles to connect with Gen Z, believing her way is always right

GabrielMale19-25 y.o.Asian

19 - 25 years old, male identifying, Filipino Intelligent, ambitious, and resourceful, but can be bossy and overbearing A loving son who, after losing his mother, yearns for a sense of home His determination often leads to desperate choices

IsabelFemale35-45 y.o.Asian

35 - 45 years old, female identifying, Filipino Kind and caring mother of Gabriel Battling cancer but continues to provide support despite her challenges Fears leaving her son too soon