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"The Widows On Walnut Hill" Comedy Musical Needs Performers

Locust Grove, VA, United States
ID: 277626Exp: 1/26/2025

Actors for upcoming comedy musical "The Widows On Walnut Hill". Please see the breakdown below. About the project: Synopsis: Fashion and clothing designer Hortense “Hortie '' Wells Lambert, creator of the Hortie Wells Collection, a well-known brand of a national and prominent department store chain in Chicago, retires and returns to her small hometown, Zionsville, in central Indiana with her husband. They purchased an old, abandoned, multi-story, schoolhouse for conversion to an upscale apartment building. The three-year renovation took nearly all their savings and money…along with her husband. Now widowed, Hortie is joined by two other widows, who are from completely different backgrounds: her sister, Halcy Hill, the live-in and prudish housekeeper for a wealthy pharmaceutical family, and Lulubelle Mae Carter, otherwise known as “Cousin Lulu,” a legendary hillbilly singer from the back hills of Kentucky, whose career has seen better days. The trio of widows turn to Hortie’s nephew, LCDR Thomas E. Teter “Tommy T,” a JAG naval officer stationed near Chicago, to fight the legal battle with the newly elected and corrupt Mayor who has a 90- Day Notice to Vacate for Demolition notice served to Hortie by the town’s lawyer. Tommy T is soon joined by Jody Marie, the visiting daughter of a tenant. The couple are soon embroiled in the legal battle to save the building. Meanwhile, the widows who are all “mad as wet hens” decide to “help” with all sorts of mischievous follies. When their 90-days have nearly run out, Jody Marie, who has fallen in love with Tommy T, discovers something that changes everything…and Zionsville’s history. Additional info: AUDITION REQUIREMENTS: Please prepare two songs with a backing track or A cappella that you are comfortable with. Also be prepared to move a little bit, not necessarily an intense dance call, but some movement. You will also likely be asked to conduct some cold readings from the play with others auditioning for parts. Download the Audition Form attached. All details for requirements for auditions are included on the audition form. Rehearsals: Generally each Sunday 2-5pm, Monday 7-9pm, Tuesday 7-9pm Show times: Friday April 25, 7pm & Saturday April 26, 7pm Sunday April 27, 2pm matinee Friday May 2, 7pm & Saturday May 3, 2pm matinee and 7pm Sunday May 4, 2pm matinee If you are interested, please apply.

20 roles

HORTIEFemale56-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(65+) (Sings, A3 to F5/opt. E5) a.k.a. Aunt Hortie, Hortense Wells Lambert. She is a retired professional dress designer and the creator of the Hortie Wells Collection, a women's clothing line for a national department store in Chicago. She is the owner of an apartment building in Zionsville, Indiana, and also a recent widow.

LULUFemale56-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(65+) (Sings, G3 to Eb5, Folk and Burlesque Styling) a.k.a. Aunt Lulu, a.k.a. Cousin Lulu. She is a distant cousin of Hortie and a once famous hillbilly (folk) singer who is at a low point in her career appearing at The Happy Flush Tavern near Zionsville. She, too, is a widow, albeit “grass-widow.”

HALCYFemale56-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(65+) (Sings, A3 to D5, No solos) a.k.a. Halcy Wells Hill, Grandma Hill. She is Hortie’s younger sister who is a long-time, live-in Housekeeper for a wealthy pharmaceutical family accustomed to a lifestyle of the rich and famous. She is a widow.

TOMMY TMale30-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(Sings, B2 to F4) a.k.a. LCDR Thomas E. Teter, JAG Corps, US Navy. Hortie’s nephew who is stationed at the Naval Station Great Lakes in Chicago, about three hours’ drive from Zionsville. He is a bachelor and Hortie’s favorite nephew who is totally dedicated to his work and his Aunt Hortie’s wellbeing. He is also the show’s love interest.

JODY MARIEFemale28-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(Sings, B3 to F5) a.k.a. Jody Marie Johnson. She is the daughter of Mrs. Johnson, a tenant of the apartment building and visiting to help her mother get settled in. She is studious, shy, focused, intelligent and nearly void of social skills. She helps Tommy T trying to save the widows from losing the apartments. She falls in love with him and comes up with a historical fact that saves the day.

HENRIETTAFemale56-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(65+) (Sings, C4 to F5, off-key, bad singing) a.k.a. Henrietta Nemeyer. She is an intruder and schoolhood acquaintance of Hortie’s who is a busy body, a gossip, gives gifts which are useless then brags about them extolling their value. She craves attention and visions herself as a musical talent and has little which she performs miserably.

COTTONMale40-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Sings, B2 to E4, Speak-singing style) a.k.a Mayor Clifford P. Cotton the Third. He is an exaggerated character whose ego exceeds common sense. He is the villain. He is the epitome of stereotyped and crooked politicians, who tries to take Hortie’s property for his own gain.

BUNDYMale50-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A.k.a. Ralph Bunday, the Town Lawyer who values his position more than doing what is right. He has known Hortie for many years. He is a weasel-type of individual who looks down with disdain and is frequently sarcastic.

MRS. JOHNSONFemale55-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A widowed lady who is returning to the workplace after many years being a wife and a mother to Jody Marie. She has just taken a job at Sunnyside Sanitorium in Indianapolis as a food service manager and takes an apartment at Walnut Hill. Hortie was a nurse there many years ago and approves her as a tenant for working with the “crazies.”

Kitty KettleFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

THE DREAM TEAM: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Kitty Kettle, Tyrone, Tire and Jenny Jar. (Sing) A trio of singing and talking costumed figures who are on The Trash Heap and caution Hortie that there is nothing worse in life than growing old. Kitty speaks like Mae West, Tyrone like Droopy the Dog and Jenny like a tiny, sweet little girl.

TyroneMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

THE DREAM TEAM: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Kitty Kettle, Tyrone, Tire and Jenny Jar. (Sing) A trio of singing and talking costumed figures who are on The Trash Heap and caution Hortie that there is nothing worse in life than growing old. Kitty speaks like Mae West, Tyrone like Droopy the Dog and Jenny like a tiny, sweet little girl.

Jenny JarFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

THE DREAM TEAM: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Kitty Kettle, Tyrone, Tire and Jenny Jar. (Sing) A trio of singing and talking costumed figures who are on The Trash Heap and caution Hortie that there is nothing worse in life than growing old. Kitty speaks like Mae West, Tyrone like Droopy the Dog and Jenny like a tiny, sweet little girl.

BettyFemale18-40 y.o.All ethnicities

3 B-GIRLS: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Betty, Barbara, and Beverly Sue. They are sleazy, prostitutes who caution Jody Marie about Don’t Get Connected to a Sailor. They want Tommy T for themselves. The song is a high-spirited dance routine, fast paced song with movements which can be innuendos.

BarbaraFemale18-40 y.o.All ethnicities

3 B-GIRLS: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Betty, Barbara, and Beverly Sue. They are sleazy, prostitutes who caution Jody Marie about Don’t Get Connected to a Sailor. They want Tommy T for themselves. The song is a high-spirited dance routine, fast paced song with movements which can be innuendos.

Beverly SueFemale18-40 y.o.All ethnicities

3 B-GIRLS: (Sing, Opt. harmonization) a.k.a. Betty, Barbara, and Beverly Sue. They are sleazy, prostitutes who caution Jody Marie about Don’t Get Connected to a Sailor. They want Tommy T for themselves. The song is a high-spirited dance routine, fast paced song with movements which can be innuendos.

3 CHEERLEADERSFemale56-56 y.o.All ethnicities

(70+) These are former Cheerleaders who march into a Town Hall meeting with a Zionsville cheer with modifications to suit their motive. They are dressed as they were when they were teenagers. Clothes are ill-fitting, too tight, too short except for their shoes which are comfort shoes, e.g. wedgies, granny-style or Dr. Scholls. A fun role.

The Happy Flush TavernBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

ANNOUNCER: from backstage over a microphone.

TV InterviewerBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

ANNOUNCER: from backstage over a microphone.

John Kidder WIBC- TVMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


MISS FUNKFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

This is a voice from backstage.