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Paid Actors Needed for "Shadows of Thewlis" Feature Film
Canton, OH, United States
ID: 277331Exp: 2/16/2025
Casting actors for "Shadows of Thewlis", please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Non-union Paid (50 a day) Additional info: Feature film. Genre: Thriller. Location: Canton, Massillon, and most of the stark county area. Shooting in between the end of March through July. When applying, please include headshots, resumes, and demo reels.
1 role
AliceFemale45-59 y.o.White / Caucasian
Alice is widower Who tends to be a little bit overprotective over her daughter Sabrina. Alice is a kind and caring woman, However, when tragedy strikes, she ends up, finding herself on a path Of revenge, but she is doing it with someone she has not seen in many years. Must be available to shoot night scenes.