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Casting Performers for "Godspell (2012)" Show

Atlanta, GA, United States
ID: 277151Exp: 1/20/2025

The company is holding auditions for Godspell (2012) and looking for performers, please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Unpaid. Additional info: Kindly bring a copy of your headshot and resume. Prepare a one-minute monologue or read a monologue from the show. Prepare a 32 bar cut that showcases your vocal range. Please provide your own backing track, as live accompaniment won’t be available at auditions. Please see the attachment for more details. If interested, please apply.

10 roles

JesusBoth genders18-56 y.o.African-American Latino / Hispanic Other Asian Middle Eastern Native American Pacific Islander Indian/South Asian

Must be the most charismatic individual in the cast. High energy, charming, funny, gentle but with strength. He is the sort of person others instinctively follow. Vocal range top: G#4 |Range bottom: Db3 We are specifically seeking BIPOC performers for the role of Jesus.

John The Baptist/JudasMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

He has attributes of both Biblical figures: He is both Jesus' lieutenant and most ardent disciple and the doubter who begins to question and rebel. Like Jesus, he is also charismatic, but in more of an overt revolutionary way. Usually played by someone handsome and masculine, with an undertone of sexuality. He is the most "serious" and intellectual of the group, though as with all the actors, he must still possess a good sense of physical comedy. Vocal range top: E4 | Vocal range bottom: C3

NickMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Very high energy. Impish and playful. In the original, he played several musical instruments, including concertina, recorder and guitar. Vocal range top: D5 | Vocal range bottom: B2

TellyMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Not the brightest in the bunch, he is a little slow on the uptake. But there is a great sweetness and innocence about him. Because he sings "All Good Gifts" he must be a very good singer. Vocal range top: C4 | Vocal range bottom: G2

GeorgeMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The comedian, the class clown. The guy who can do a hundred voices and imitations. Vocal range top: E5 | Vocal range bottom: G3

Anna MariaFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A bit of a tomboy, but basically open and sweet. Perhaps the youngest of the group. She is the first of the group to commit to following Jesus in the song "Day by Day." Vocal range top: C#5 | Vocal range bottom: G#3

LindsayMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The confident one, the show-off. The first one to volunteer, sometimes she jumps in before she really understands what's going on. Vocal range top: C#6 | Vocal range bottom: G#3

UzoFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The shy one. Sometimes a little slow to get things, but when she does, she commits all the way. Has an "earth mother" kind of warmth to her. Vocal range top: B4 | Vocal range bottom: A3

MorganFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Sassy and slightly cynical, the most urban of the group. Also the "sexy" one, but her sexiness contains a large element of put-on, in the manner of Mae West or Madonna (who in fact once played this role.) Vocal range top: F5 | Vocal range bottom: E3

CelisseFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The female equivalent of the class clown. Goofy and a cut-up. In the 2012 Broadway revival, she played several instruments, including conga, ukulele and guitar. Vocal range top: A5 | Vocal range bottom: A3