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Energy Drink Commercial Seeks Talent

Atlanta, GA, United States
ID: 277041Exp: 1/17/2025

ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. The company is seeking talent for energy drink commercial. See the details below. Rate: Paid, see the roles; description Additional info: No travel, locals only or self-report, ages are not exact. Location: Atlanta When applying, please send pictures and contact.

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18 roles

VERONICAFemale25-35 y.o.Latino / Hispanic White / Caucasian

Date: 1/18 Beautiful but deadly. Big boss. Bond girl type. Lead Role Rate: $600/day

DR HARPERMale60-70 y.o.White / Caucasian

Colonel Sanders type. Southern drawl accent. Date: 1/18 Lead Role Rate: $600/day

WHITE SUIT HENCHMANMale25-30 y.o.African-American

Date: 1/18 Rate: $200

HECTORMale35-40 y.o.Latino / Hispanic

Date: 1/18 Rate: $200 Muscular build, LARGE! Military cut hair.

AGENT GFemale45-50 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/18 Rate: $200 Brunette. Department head of a tech facility or lab.

THE 10Female21-30 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Super hot girl.

THE STINKERMale21-30 y.o.White / Caucasian

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Could be a Jake Paul lookalike, or similar.

THE OGMale50-60 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 50+ year-old guy who wants to be in the film crew. Possible smoker? (will not smoke).

THE DEALERMale25-40 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 This guy knows about moving products. Solids. Liquids. Powders.

THE SUITMale35-50 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Real business executive type or a recent business school graduate.

THE MAGICIANMale30-60 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 A Magician who comes onto the stage dressed in the part.

SKINCARE INFLUENCERFemale20-40 y.o.Other Asian

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Could be an online beauty influencer or someone who enjoys beauty products.

GYMNAST / CONTORIONISTFemale20-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Someone who is highly flexible and can do gymnastics.

HULA HOOPERFemale20-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 A woman with a large backside hula hoops well.

ROLLER SKATER GIRLFemale20-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 A woman who can rollerblade on stage.

JUGGLERBoth genders20-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Date: $150 Someone who can juggle well. Also willing to consider juggling groups.

SLAM POETMale20-45 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 A hipster gentleman gives a lackluster slam poetry performance.

CLOWNMale30-60 y.o.All ethnicities

Date: 1/16 Rate: $150 Perform some slapstick stunt comedy (not stunts).