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Auditions for Musical "The Wizard of Oz"
Canton, GA, United States
ID: 276748Exp: 1/18/2025
Searching talent for "The Wizard of Oz" show. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: CALLBACKS DATE: Thursday, Jan 23rd, 7:30 pm-9 pm. SHOW DATES: March 28-30 + April 5-6. TECH (Mandatory) DATES: March 23rd-27th. If interested, please apply.
10 roles
DorothyFemale18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
ScarecrowBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
TinmanMale18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
Cowardly LionBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
Wicked WitchFemale18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
GlindaFemale18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
WizardBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
Small Speaking RolesBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
Singing/Dancing RolesBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities
MunchkinBoth genders18-24 y.o.All ethnicities