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Dance Opportunities in "A Christmas Carol" Show

Pleasant Grove, UT, United States
ID: 270522Exp: 9/20/2024

Audition for "A Christmas Carol" the Musical. Looking for men and women. Please see the details below. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE ACCEPTED. Additional info: Please see the attachment for details. SINGING – Please be prepared to sing 16 measures of an upbeat Broadway Musical. (Nothing from Wicked or Hairspray PLEASE!) Please bring an electronic device with music/karaoke tracks to sing along with. DANCING – Also, be prepared to learn dance steps by wearing appropriate footwear. (No flip-flops or sandals.) You will be asked to perform the dance steps taught during auditions. There will be a tap number. Dust off your tap shoes and show us your tap steps! ACTING – Some of you may be asked to read lines and do some improvisation. (Presenting a 1-minute monologue is optional at callbacks only.) SPECIAL SKILLS – If you have special skills such as gymnastics or acrobatics, please let us know at auditions. Directors would love to see these special talents! CALL BACKS – Callbacks will be held September 24th – 26th. If directors need you to return for a callback you will be notified as to which date and time. Not every role needs a callback, so please remember to check the Final Cast List even if you didn’t get called back. Callbacks will be held at the ACT Studios. If interested, please apply.

58 roles

A BeadleMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A parish constable employed at Scrooge’s business to uphold discipline and to ensure efficient running of the hall. Gender: Male

Three Charity WomenFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Women who ask for donations to help the poor. Vocal range top: G5(S1) E5(S2) B4(A) Vocal range bottom: D4(S1) D4(S2) A3(A)

Mr. SmytheMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A debtor of Scrooge’s. Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: D4

Grace SmytheFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Mr. Smythe’s Daughter Vocal range top: F5 Vocal range bottom: D4

Ebenezer ScroogeMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A man who lost his father to creditors as a kid and has grown up heeding his father's advice to save his money. Until he realizes how terrible he's become, he is a grumpy, unsympathetic man and has no time for anyone or anything. Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Mr. CratchitMale30-40 y.o.All ethnicities

A father and husband who cares deeply for his family, particularly his youngest son. He works hard to provide for them but is mistreated by his employer, Scrooge. Gender: Male Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Mrs. CratchitFemale30-40 y.o.All ethnicities

Tiny Tim's mother and Mr. Cratchit's wife. She is a loving mother who tries to provide the best for her children with what she's got. Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: A3

PoultererMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A turkey vendor.

Fred AndersonMale25-35 y.o.All ethnicities

Scrooge's nephew and only living relative. He is a pleasant young man who believes in the good a joyful Christmas spirit can make in the world. Vocal range top: F5 Vocal range bottom: A3

JonathonMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A singing street urchin. Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: E4

Ghost Of Christmas Past / LamplighterMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

An ever-cheerful, sprightly ghost who comes back with the history book of Scrooge's past to show him the events that led to his current state. The actor doubles as Lamplighter. Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Ghost Of Christmas Present / Sandwichboard ManMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A jovial, larger-than-life ghost who comes back to show Scrooge all the joy, love, and celebration he is missing out on while those around him celebrate Christmas. The actor doubles as Sandwichboard Man. Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Ghost Of Christmas Future / Blind Old HagMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A beautiful, and terrifying wrath, the Ghost of Christmas Future is strong and silent as she shows Scrooge what will happen to him and those around him if he continues down the path he is currently treading. Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Mrs. MopsFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Scrooge’s maid. Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: D4

Jacob MarleyMale45-55 y.o.All ethnicities

Scrooge's former business partner who, before his death, was exactly like Scrooge. Comes back as a ghost in chains to warn Scrooge of how his life decisions will bind him in the afterlife. Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Four AcolytesBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Dancers who escort Scrooge and the Ghost of Christmas Past on their journey.

JudgeMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A Judge from Scrooge’s distant past.

Scrooge’s FatherMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Scrooge’s MotherFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: C4

Mr. HawkinsMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A factory owner who Scrooge once worked for.

Mr. FezziwigMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A portly, jolly man who used to throw a huge Christmas party every year for the community. He was Scrooge's first boss and after teaching him all he knew, he became deeply disappointed in the man Scrooge became. Vocal range top: B5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Mrs. FezziwigFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The consummate hostess and Mr. Fezziwig's wife, she loved to help throw the Christmas party every year. She is prideful. Vocal range top: A5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Young EbenezerMale18-20 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal range top: G5 Vocal range bottom: B3

Young JacobMale18-20 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal range top: D4 Vocal range bottom: F5

EmilyFemale18-25 y.o.All ethnicities

Scrooge's fiancé from when they were young. She is a beautiful girl, not impressed or in need of money. Vocal range top: B5 Vocal range bottom: A3

Granny ChuzzelwitMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

An elderly woman at the Fezzywig Ball.

Granny PickwickFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

An elderly woman at the Fezzywig Ball.

Christmas ElvesBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Rockette-style Dancers & Tap Dancers

TappersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Rockette-style Dancers & Tap Dancers

Sally AndersonFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Fred’s wife Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: C4

Two Undertakers/GravediggersMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Vocal range top: C5 Vocal range bottom: G4

Old JoeMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Sells and buys ‘rags and bones’ Vocal range top: E5 Vocal range bottom: E4

CarolersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


BankersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


BusinessmenBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


CharwomenFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


ShoppersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


FamiliesBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


FishmongerBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


VendorsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


GhostsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


JailersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Factory WorkersMale18-21 y.o.All ethnicities


FezziwigBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Party-GoersMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


CreditorsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


ElvesBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Tap DancersBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


AristocratsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Rich WomenFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


CooksBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


DrunksBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Salvation ArmyFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Ensemble. (Charity Women)

Lower Class LadiesFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Anderson GuestsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


MonksMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


AngelsBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities


Christmas GoodiesBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities
