Three Student Films Casting Talents
"Unlucky," a short film written and directed by Justin Larkey. Synopsis: When his unlucky-in-love best friend, Oliver, hits rock bottom, effortless womanizer, Max, vows to find him the perfect match, but his well-intentioned efforts lead to unforeseen challenges. "Way Out," a short film written and directed by Sheamus Carr. Synopsis: Depressed man in debt is given an offer to save his life at the cost of his morals. "One Day Angel," a short film written and directed by AngelMalik Pastor. Synopsis: A ghost wife must convince her husband not to kill her murderer.
9 roles
Good-looking and well built but can’t get a date. Best friend of Max.
Less-than-attractive (but not outright ugly, like a four or a five), effortlessly gets all the girls. Best friend of Oliver.
Cute appeal, has had poor past relationships.
A man mourning the recent death of his mother, who was battling dementia for five years. Avery was an optimistic soul, before his mother’s untimely death, and has now lost his hope and will to live. However, he finds what little reasons remain to press on, including his friendship with Butch.
A pessimistic man with a knack for discouraging jokes. Butch, ailed by cancer, though now in remission, is also in debt similar to Avery. He is willing to compromise his morals for a ‘way out’ of his crippling situation. His friendship with Avery and his estranged family is what keeps him going.
A manipulative European business man, lives to puppetmaster others’ lives, because of how little control he has over his own. This is what compels him to offer individuals on their last legs a choice at salvation, at the cost of their morality.
Ghost, wife, headstrong, sassy.
Husband, cop, disheveled looking, depressed, a little unhinged.
Recovering alcoholic who relapsed, depressed, middle manager in a regular 9-5 job.