Casting Talents for 'One Love' Short Film
"One Love" is a short film that explores the universal nature of love through the stories of two men, a woman and a man, and two women. The actors portray the same role across these relationships, demonstrating that regardless of who you love, there is only one true essence of love that transcends different connections. If interested, please apply.
6 roles
Love is a genderless role, but Love is the more dominant character. "Love" is planning a secret getaway for them and "One", but "One," thinks "Love" has forgotten their anniversary.
One is a genderless role, but One is the more submissive character. "One" is inquiring about their relationship with "Love" because they forgot their anniversary.
One is a genderless role, but One is the more submissive character. "One" is inquiring about their relationship with "Love" because they forgot their anniversary. Go to for further details.
Love is a genderless role, but Love is the more dominant character. "Love" is planning a secret getaway for them and "One", but "One," thinks "Love" has forgotten their anniversary. Go to and click on casting for further details.
One is a genderless role, but One is the more submissive character. "One" is inquiring about their relationship with "Love" because they forgot their anniversary. Go to and click on casting for further details.
Love is a genderless role, but Love is the more dominant character. "Love" is planning a secret getaway for them and "One", but "One," thinks "Love" has forgotten their anniversary. Go to and click on casting for further details.