“Maximus Powers: The Legend Within” Comedy Film Needs Male Cast
Casting for a short film comedy called “Maximus Powers: The Legend Within”. Looking for cast. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the details below. About the project: The story follows Maximus Powers who is in desperate need to find a place to stay for the night. He embarks on a ludicrous odyssey through the college town, he still lives in, being welcomed in, and promptly kicked out. As the night becomes increasingly hopeless, he is forced to face his past and contend with his sense of identity and relationships with others. Rate: This opportunity is unpaid. Additional info: Non union. If you are interested, please apply.
2 roles
College drop-out who never accomplished his dreams of being a stuntman in Hollywood. Charismatic to a fault. Often speaks or acts before he thinks, and comes off as abrasive/offensive to others despite being well-intentioned.
Maximus Power's close friend from high school. Crude, loud, and offensive, Jamie lives alone and spends his days and nights drinking/taking an abundance of mysterious drugs. He is rash and unpredictable.