Casting Talents for "Friendsgiving" Drama-Filled Feature Film
Casting Call: "Friendsgiving" - A Comedic, Drama-Filled Feature Film "Friendsgiving" is a comedic, drama-filled feature film that focuses on six friends from college who gather for their annual weekend in the cabins to celebrate Friendsgiving. However, this year’s trip is unlike any other, as an unusual guest arrives, teaching the friends the true meaning of gratitude despite the personal adversities each one is facing. Submission Instructions: If you are interested in any of these roles, please apply.
4 roles
Gender: Female Age: 25-30 Ethnicity: African American Character Description: Robbie is the central character whose life takes a dramatic turn when she receives disheartening news about a fatal disease. Availability: September 14, 15, 21, 22 Compensation: $75 per day Union Status: Non-Union
Gender: Male Age: 25-35 Ethnicity: African American Character Description: Lamont is a flamboyantly gay man whose humor brightens every situation. Despite his success as a designer and stylist for celebrities, he struggles with self-worth due to his partner's reluctance to come out. Availability: September 14 & 15 Compensation: $75 per day Union Status: Non-Union
Gender: Female Age: 30-35 Ethnicity: African American Character Description: Sanya is Robbie’s older sister. She shares a heartfelt conversation with Robbie after hearing the devastating news. Availability: September 21 Compensation: $75 per day Union Status: Non-Union
Gender: Female Age: 20-25 Ethnicity: African American Character Description: Angelica is a stripper who caught the attention of Montre, who has been dating her ever since. Their relationship faces a crisis when a big secret is revealed during the Friendsgiving weekend, leading to the end of two relationships at the cabin. Availability: September 14 Compensation: $75 per day Union Status: Non-Union