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Seeking Cast for "Macbeth" and "The Taming of the Shrew" Plays

Indianapolis, IN, United States
ID: 266464Exp: 7/24/2024

Actors wanted for "Macbeth" & "The Taming of the Shrew" plays. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Please see the breakdown below. About the project: "Macbeth" Synopsis: Many people say that Macbeth is a tragedy wrapped in horror, and they are not entirely wrong. This dark, somewhat psychological horror play with murder, curses, and insanity demonstrates that chaos is an unavoidable part of nature, and as much as one might try, fate is something hard to escape. When a coven of mysterious witches informs Macbeth he is destined to be king, he must navigate a twisted path towards his glorious future… but glory always comes with a cost. "The Taming of the Shrew" Synopsis: In The Taming of the Shrew, the men of the town of Padua all pursue Bianca, the younger daughter of wealthy Baptista Minola, because she is beautiful, mild, and sweet. But they have a problem: Baptista has sworn that Bianca shall not marry until her older sister, Katherine, has found a husband. Katherine, the titular shrew, is strong-willed, independent, fiery, and sometimes violent, and therefore has no suitors — until Petruchio comes "to wive it wealthily in Padua." He is very much her match in terms of passion, strong will, and even violence. After marrying her, he determinedly takes on the task of taming her through any means — starvation, sleep deprivation, rejecting suitable clothing — all pretending that he is doing so because none of it was good enough for her… so what are the choices that Katherine must make to survive a world that was not made for her? Additional info: "Macbeth": Estimated Rehearsal Period: Subject to Change Estimated start date: August 19 (additional rehearsals may be scheduled in advance of this date depending on the director’s needs) M-Th: 7-10PM Performances October 11, 12, 18, 19 - 7:30PM October 13, 20 - 2:00PM Strike - Immediately following final performance "The Taming of the Shrew": Estimated Rehearsal Period: Subject to Change 9/16 - 10/26 Rehearsals 3-4x Weekly (anticipated M-Th, 7:00 - 10:00PM) Performances November 1, 2, 8, 9 - 7:30PM November 3, 10 - 2:00PM Strike - Immediately following final performance Please see the Info Packet attached. If you are interested, please apply.

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30 roles

MACBETHMale30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

A Scottish general, under Lord Duncan, who is told he will be the King of Scotland. He decides he is willing to do anything to achieve this prophecy. Proud. Cunning. Intuitive. Ambitious. "Macbeth"

LADY MACBETHFemale20-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Wife to Macbeth, she finds herself enthralled in the idea of being royals. Opportunistic. Ambitious. Powerful. Manipulative. "Macbeth"

BANQUOMale30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Also told his children will inherit the Scottish throne, but takes no action to make this come true. "Macbeth"

FLEANCEMale18-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Banquo’s son. "Macbeth"

KING DUNCANMale40-59 y.o.All ethnicities

The King of Scotland, who wishes only to celebrate the achievements of his generals and friends. Righteous. Kind. The Good King. "Macbeth"

MALCOLMMale20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

The son of Duncan who wants to overthrow Macbeth and avenge his fathers death. Cautious. Straightforward. Clever. "Macbeth"

DONALBAINMale18-29 y.o.All ethnicities

The younger son of Duncan and Malcolm's younger brother. "Macbeth"

MacduffMale20-39 y.o.All ethnicities

A lord of Scotland who is true to himself and his homeland. Not afraid to speak the truth. Virtuous. Brave. Vengeful. "Macbeth"

THE THREE WITCHESFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Witches who sow chaos in this world. They share the prophecy to Banquo and Macbeth. The Nature of Chaos. Eternal. Lively. Mysterious. "Macbeth"

HECATEFemale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The goddess of witchcraft. Goddess. Eternal. Powerful. "Macbeth"

LENNOXMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Scottish Nobleman. "Macbeth"

RossMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Scottish Nobleman. "Macbeth"

The MurderersMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Hired by Macbeth to murder Banquo, Fleance and Macduff’s wife and children. "Macbeth"

PorterMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The drunken doorman of Macbeth’s castle. "Macbeth"

CAPTAINMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Captain of the Scottish Army. "Macbeth"

ANGUSMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A Thane of Scotland. "Macbeth"

SEYTONMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Loyal servant to Macbeth. "Macbeth"

LUCENTIOMale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

A hopeless romantic, Lucentio falls immediately in love with Bianca and undertakes a scheme to win her. Scholarly. Good-natured. Romantic. Determined. Self-assured. Willing to be underhanded in the name of love. "The Taming of the Shrew"

TRANIOMale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Lucentio's servant who, along with Lucentio, comes up with the idea that his master should pretend to be Bianca's tutor to win her heart and that HE pretend to be Lucentio. He ends up having great fun with the scheme despite the headaches it causes. Wry. Loyal. Clever. "A man with a plan". Scheming. A little morally ambiguous. Willing to do anything to secure Bianca for his master. "The Taming of the Shrew"

GREMIOMale60-89 y.o.All ethnicities

One of Bianca's suitors, Gremio believes he deserves Bianca because of his wealth and standing in the community. Foolish. Prideful. Boasting. Wants Bianca primarily for her beauty. "The Taming of the Shrew"

HORTENSIOMale30-49 y.o.All ethnicities

Another of Bianca's suitors, he also pretends to be a tutor to try to win her. He and his rival Gremio find common ground in trying to find a husband for Katherine. Friendly. Logical rather than romantic. Opportunistic| Quick to move on to marry a wealthy widow when he sees he has lost Bianca to another. "The Taming of the Shrew"

BIANCAFemale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Katherine's younger sister who is considered to be beautiful, modest, unassuming, and mild — what the men of Padua consider to be the perfect woman — but she knows her own mind. Scholarly. Musical. Loving. Dutiful. Modest. Is aware of her role in the community as the most-sought-after bride and is proud of the fact, even as she appears humble. "The Taming of the Shrew"

BIONDELLOMale20-29 y.o.All ethnicities

Another servant of Lucentio, Biondello goes all in on the plan for his fellow servant Tranio and Lucentio to swap places, playing at being Tranio's servant. Sarcastic. Loyal. Dedicated to the plan. Is good at the legwork of the plan, including find the fake father to give assurances to Baptista. "The Taming of the Shrew"

GRUMIOMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Petruchio's much put-upon servant who seems to take things too literally. He is not willing to undertake anything that will cause him even more abuse than what is heaped on him (such as giving the starving Katherine food). Somewhat confused. Oddly loyal but resentful at the same time. Almost morally bereft. Considered the fool/comic relief of the show. "The Taming of the Shrew"

CURTISMale18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

Another servant of Petruchio, Curtis takes care of the house and his master, no matter how he is treated. Loyal. Kind. Takes Petruchio's abuse without complaint, unlike Grumio. "The Taming of the Shrew"

PEDANTMale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

A scholar who is fooled by Tranio into thinking his life is in danger in Padua because he is from Mantua. He agrees to pretend to be his father and to give dowry assurances to Baptista. Scholarly. Pedantic. Grateful. Sticks hard to the story even when presented with the real Vincentio — to the point of calling for him to be jailed. "The Taming of the Shrew"

VINCENTIOMale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

Lucentio's wealthy father whose good reputation precedes him. He gets entangled in the identity plot to the point of almost being taken away to prison for impersonating himself. Kind. Fatherly. Responsible. Forgiving to his son but not to others who have wronged him. Despite his mistreatment, is quick to make assurances to Baptista and Bianca, seeing his son in love. "The Taming of the Shrew"

WIDOWFemale40-69 y.o.All ethnicities

A wealthy widow who has long pursued the younger Hortensio and ultimately wins him. Independent. Unkind. Biting. Will not be commanded by her husband. "The Taming of the Shrew"

TAILORBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

The tailor brings in a well-crafted hat and dress for Katherine, both of which Petruchio plays at calling terribly made. Talented. Hardworking. Proud of quality workmanship. Is upset and insulted by Petruchio's rejection of their goods and refuses to play his game. "The Taming of the Shrew"

MINOLA SERVANTBoth genders18-56 y.o.All ethnicities

A servant in the Minola household who leads the tutors to Baptista's daughters and later Bianca to help her sister prepare for her wedding. Loyal. Good-natured. Does whatever they're told unquestioningly. "The Taming of the Shrew"