Performers For "Out Of The Boil, A Climate Change Musical"
Casting for the fall production of "Out Of The Boil, A Climate Change Musical" with songs that will sound familiar if you love ELO. ONLY LOCAL TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. See the details below. Additional info: This is your time to become a singing, dancing (light dance, think more jazz hands than Martha Graham) climate warrior CRAWFISH! They are practicing non traditional casting and are open to all types for each role. Sides will be provided at the audition. Come prepared with 32 bars of music, anything is acceptable but something in the style of the music ELO is preferred. Callbacks (if needed) Sunday July 21st 3pm-7pm. *Directors are open to discuss scheduling outside these times if necessary. Rehearsals begin in August, dates to be announced, depending on cast availability which will be discussed at the audition. The show runs September 26-29 and October 3-6. If you are interested, please apply.
8 roles
The chill-AF kinda dopey spectral godlike presence of Jeff Lynne (but also just a normal kind of chill blue collar dude/dudette).
Archetype: nihilist, who reintegrates into society. Is dating Nurse, The classic bartender: Overeducated, feels a bit too old for this shit. Skeptical & nihilistic, but then happily recruited by Nurse & Teacher.
Archetype: protagonist. They are dating Bartender. An occultist who ensorcels Social Worker. This is a pretty physical part... the nurse gesticulates a lot.
The Sidekick for Nurse, is dating Waiter. Gives people good information, 'diagnosing things' as it were.
Archetype: the scribe. Is dating/living with Teacher. Hangs out at the Bar and always has their notepad with them, taking notes, scribbling things down in their notepad despite their bulky claws. Wants to write a great novel. Typical white shirt, black pants, black waiter shoes (like a waiter).
Archetype: an ingenue, flailing, who becomes gradually more socially conscious/aware. Dating IT Person until they begin to question IT Person's ethics and becomes ensorcelled l into a life of revolutionary unionism.
Archetype: the contagionist/ sidekick to Chef Bezos; skeptic to the proto-craw mmunists. Dates Social Worker & is at odds with femmes generally, subtly they aren't exactly Chef Bezos' lackey, but they are sort of his usher. A gourmand, who brings fresh baked bread to the bar and other goodies to share. Well dressed... like, hip, and hot. Part of the appeal of this person is their physical attractiveness/hipness; wears cool big Nerd Glasses.
Archetype: the antagonist. Wants to cook the crawfish, so they get the Crawfish to fight amongst themselves.